• Hello

    i’m trying to make a “gallery” categorie, where i could see pictures, the problem is that i have to click on the title of the article to see the picture.
    Is it possible to “force expand” an article ?
    here for the actual problem:

    thank you

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  • The Kubrick (default) theme uses the_excerpt() tag for category and archive pages, which not only abbreviates post content but strips any HTML from it. Open archive.php for that theme (found in wp-content/themes/default/) in a text editor and where you find this:

    <div class="entry">
    <?php the_excerpt() ?>

    Change it to this:

    <div class="entry">
    <?php the_content() ?>

    Another option is, if you want to retain the excerpt for other category/archive page queries, copy archive.php to an individual category template in the theme directory: category-8.php. Then make the changes in this file mentioned above. The template is recognized automatically by WordPress for that category.

    More info on theme templates:


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