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  • Hi supersilverIp!

    It looks like the page container, which you placed the Youtube video inside, only allows a specific width ( 2/3 of the page? ). Generally, a WordPress template will allow you to specify using a ‘full width’ or ‘sidebar’ layout, among many other layouts.

    By the looks of it, it seems you are using a ‘sidebar’ layout which gives you 2/3 page of content and 1/3 of sidebar.

    I’m not familiar with the Moesia template; however, you can go to the editor of your specific page and in the sidebar you should see ‘Page Attributes’ > ‘Template’. In the dropdown menu, select ‘Full width’.

    Your page container should now span the full page. From there you can center and resize the Youtube video.

    Thread Starter supersilverlp


    Hi TTTytan

    The sad part is, it’s already on Full width (no sidebar)

    Can you provide a link to your site? Much easier to pin point the problem from a live site than from screenshots

    Thread Starter supersilverlp


    The link does not currently work.

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