Hi, we were talking about the future plugin dev. on my thread, that I can’t help with. I am stalking you to show you this – it may be a waste of time?
This looks promising…?
JavaScript Crossword Engine – Source Released LGPL
The author tells you how to do it – gives the frame work on that page, code, tutorial, etc. in a zip file to download. There is a link to a sample puzzle – looks excellent!
“JavaScript Crossword Engine – Source Released LGPL
by Pavel Simakov on 2009-12-29 20:59:43 under AJAX, Text Mining,
Giving It Away
Almost three years ago I developed JavaScript Crossword Engine (https://www.softwaresecretweapons.com/jspwiki/gangoffoursoftwaredesignpatternsjavascriptcrossword). After hundreds of requests from many of the readers, I am finally releasing all of the source code to the community under LGPL. The source code and a short tutorial can be found in oy-cword-1.0.zip (https://www.softwaresecretweapons.com/jspwiki/articles/cword/oy-cword-1.0.zip). Enjoy!”
Let me know what you think? I do not even know how to use/put JavaScript into WP. But I will check it out anyway.