Make Expiry and Renewal dates optional?
When adding/editing a license, the Expiry and Renewal dates are automatically set to
. Why is it the case? Cannot it be optional?Use case, on the same install with auto-expiry:
– A client bought a 1 year Limited License for a theme, I’m querying for the license that should expire, I can show all the relevant information, everything is fine.
– The same client bought a Lifetime Premium License for a plugin, I’m querying for the license that should not expire, and yet there is still an expiry and renewal date when displaying license info (irrelevant data), and when the expiry date is reached, auto-expire is triggered.=> unhappy client
Can’t we just remove the following lines to avoid unnecessary assumptions?
if(empty($renewed_date)){ $renewed_date = $current_date; } if(empty($expiry_date)){ $expiry_date = $current_date_plus_1year; }
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