Hi aqueries,
This can be done using the CSS. Please add the following code at the bottom of the CSS file of your theme:
1. In case you want to enlarge “message” textarea only:
#cntctfrm_contact_form textarea, #cntctfrm_contact_message {
width: 800px;
2. In case you want to increase the width of all contact form fields:
#cntctfrm_contact_form input.text, #cntctfrm_contact_form textarea, #cntctfrm_contact_message, #cntctfrm_contact_name, #cntctfrm_contact_email, #cntctfrm_contact_subject {
width: 800px;
These are the styles for Contact Form Free. If you are using Contact Form Pro, please add this code at the bottom of the CSS file of your theme:
1. In case you want to enlarge “message” textarea only:
#cntctfrmpr_contact_form textarea, #cntctfrmpr_contact_message {
width: 800px;
2. In case you want to increase the width of all contact form fields:
#cntctfrmpr_contact_form input.text, #cntctfrmpr_contact_form textarea, #cntctfrmpr_contact_message, #cntctfrmpr_contact_name, #cntctfrmpr_contact_email, #cntctfrmpr_contact_subject {
width: 800px;
Instead of “800”, please specify the necessary field width in pixels.
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