Hi, regarding your first post, it can be done with the following hook:
if (!function_exists('wfu_after_upload_handler')) {
function wfu_after_upload_handler($changable_data, $additional_data) {
$link = "https://staging.iptanus.com/test-4-2/?wfuuid=".$additional_data["unique_id"]."&wfufid=";
$fid = "";
foreach ( $additional_data["files"] as $ind => $file ) {
if ( $file["upload_result"] == "success" || $file["upload_result"] == "warning" ) {
$fid = $ind;
if ( $fid !== "" ) $changable_data["js_script"] = 'window.location.href = "'.$link.$fid.'"';
return $changable_data;
add_filter('wfu_after_upload', 'wfu_after_upload_handler', 10, 2);
if (!function_exists('wfu_show_uploaded_image_handler')) {
function wfu_show_uploaded_image_handler($incomingfrompost) {
$output = "";
if ( isset($_GET["wfuuid"]) && isset($_GET["wfufid"]) && WFU_USVAR_exists("filedata_".$_GET["wfuuid"]) ) {
$files = WFU_USVAR("filedata_".$_GET["wfuuid"]);
if ( isset($files[$_GET["wfufid"]]) && file_exists($files[$_GET["wfufid"]]["filepath"]) ) {
$url = str_replace(ABSPATH, site_url().'/', $files[$_GET["wfufid"]]["filepath"]);
$output .= '<div>';
$output .= '<img src="'.$url.'" />';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
add_shortcode("wfu_show_uploaded_image", "wfu_show_uploaded_image_handler");
You need to replace “https://staging.iptanus.com/test-4-2” in $link with the redirect URL in your case.
You need also to put the shortcode [wfu_show_uploaded_image] in the destination page. This shortcode will be replaced by the image.