Some of your questions relate to things I already tested, but that’s a good occasion to check it again ??
About my setup: wordpress and zenphoto are on the same domain: (this is wp) (this is zenphoto)
– The Zenphoto gallery URL is set to:
It’s always been configured like that I think and seems ok to me anyway.
– yes I ask for thumbnailing but I’ve just tried the 3 options: Default/Full size/Custom with no specific effect ??
– hotlinking: I’ve unchecked the related option in zenphoto, but I’ve still to check if there’ something to chantge in the .htaccess
Also I’m not sure about your last question (are you asking about the php sources of the plugin or the requests it does ?). Looking at the zenphoto_bridge code, I had the impression that images were retrieved via a SQL query, probably a misunderstanding on my behalf (?)
In any case when I activate “all” logging, I see the following GET request where, I think, the problem starts:
https:// [my site url] /blog/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/zenphoto_bridge.php?albumid=52&function=count_images&data_path=/correct/path/to/photos/zp-data
(/correct/path/to/photos/zp-data replaces here the “real” path in the URL, but I’ve checked that this was the good one)
The result of this GET request is:
and its the same for all album ids.
The weird thing is that info is correctly retrieved for other stuff of the album for instance this other GET request I’ve found in the logs:
https:// [my site url] /blog/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/zenphoto_bridge.php?albumid=52&function=get_album&data_path=/correct/path/to/photos/zp-data