• Hi this was a qustion 5 hours ago.. I don’t know why it hasnt been answered. I want to put blinkies (small images) on my side bar.. I made link catagory for them. When putting in I leave the title box out, put the link address in, and in advance I put the address the image is on. All I get is that little square box.

    I thought noone answered cause I put the wrong url up , so I corrected that which would make it have a second post now… I’m also having problems with widgets and wonderered what all that meant abut my theme not being set up for them..

    also who do I ask if I’m having plug in probles. a few of them either I cant find or don’t work at all.

    Thank you


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  • Hi this was a qustion 5 hours ago.. I don’t know why it hasnt been answered.

    Should someone be waiting here to answer all of your questions immediately? This is a community of users and volunteers who do this on their own time.

    I made link catagory for them. When putting in I leave the title box out, put the link address in, and in advance I put the address the image is on. All I get is that little square box.

    I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to say here, but I don’t see any mention of uploading the images.

    If your theme isn’t widget ready, you wont be able to use them without modifying your sidebar.php file. Check the codex for instructions.

    For the final question — for most plugin problems, either make a unique thread just about your question for 1 plugin here… or post a Comment on the Plugin Author’s website. Each plugin is made by someone different, most plugins have their own webpage. So it just depends on what plugin.

    Good luck with your site!

    Keep in mind this forum is just volunteers, not staff. Of course if you’re still not satisfied you can always ask for a full refund. ??

    Hi I think this morning I was totally misunderstood. I am very aware that you guys have lives. I thought I had done something wrong. I did not put the right url to my site when I posted and had gone back hours later and did that. that was all! not that I wasnted your attention right away.. I don’t know what it is but since you guys posted this to me I can not get on my original accoutn.. anyways. I will respond to what was written here.

    I ftp my picture (blinkies) to a folder within my blogs files. I noticed a media library but found no way to upload unless Im doing a post.. I made catagories in “links” one for Blinkies, and one for sites of interest.. the blinkie is what Im having the problem with..

    Can someone please tell me step by step how to get this done so a linked image shows and its a list of blinkiess. or many blinkies..if its is not known a blinkies is just like a little ad.

    I have been told because my sidebar won’t do widgets.. I looked in widgets saw the entry about changing the codes. My code in my sidebar.php looks different then the examples in the widgets instructons.. it has div and ul entries but doesnt mention some of the things in these instructions

    Thank you
    I am truly sorry that I had been misunderstood..



    You should be able to do the blinkies (another word for them is chiclets). You should be able to do it just like you were thinking already. I’m not sure what went wrong. Can you confirm that the Image URL you put in the Write Links, is a valid URL to your blinkie JPG or GIF file? In other words open the URL in your browser and make sure it displays the image you’re wanting. Put the complete URL starting with http and ending with .gif or whatever filetype.

    About widgets. First you could change your Theme to another theme that does support widgets. Many (most) newer themes do. You have dozens to choose from. This might be a good idea. Widgets are kind of easy then, you might like it. You could also temporarily switch to another Theme just to test it. Nothing will break, you can switch back to your old theme.

    However I don’t recommend you try to make your sidebar widget compatible unless you really want to tinker with code. It’s not super hard, but then again I don’t think the instructions for doing it are very clear and I can’t explain it any better. It was a hack job of a couple hours for me to get it done on my home theme. Even though it’s basically only a few lines of code that have to go in the right place.

    If you continue with the sidebar without widgets, well, you can still do everything that you could do with widgets. But you just have to insert the code yourself each time. Many people still do this.

    good morning, I don’t know why I didn’t think to do that. as you would have known it my code was wrong. when I put the right one in voila it worked.. i feel so darn stupid. lol okay but now the problem is if I collect a blinkie that might be a bit to long in height and I want it a bit farther down is there a way to space it. I doubt it huh unless I got into the codes and manually put a #nbsp or a br to bring it down some.. am I thinking this out right?

    as far as changing the theme it was this theme that made me try to install word press in the first place.. with my old host I used fantastico but with my new host if I wanted word press I would have to install it.. I only got the guts to take the plunge because I wanted this theme so bad. lol

    I really would love to have the widgets this is the code for my sidebar.php

    is there anything you can see I can change

    <div class=”categories-upper”></div>
    <div class=”categories”>

      <?php if (function_exists(‘put_cat_icons’)) put_cat_icons( wp_list_categories(‘sort_column=name&hierarchical=0&title_li=’.’&echo=0′)); else wp_list_categories(‘sort_column=name&hierarchical=0&title_li=’);

    <div class=”categories-btm”></div>
    <div class=”links”>

      <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=0&title_li=’); ?>

    <div class=”side-meta”>


    I had changed it already when I put the plugin in for catagory images.. did i screw it up doing so?

    Please advise..

    Thank you

    Oh, yeah. That is a spiffy theme you have. I can see why you want that.

    I like your blinkies too. You gonna make one for me? ??

    Unfortunately I can’t really answer your 2 next questions. Maybe create a new thread for each, that has a good subject line describing the latest issues.

    Another tip, use something like “Postbin” to paste your code example, then just give us the Postbin link to look at. The code doesn’t show up right on the forum here.

    On the first question, I think you can wrap your Blinkies area with a “div” (you’d wrap it in your sidebar, then define the DIV in your style.css). When you define the DIV, you can add more space in between the blinkies. It’s a CSS thing, I’m not an expert in CSS but you can do this with some learning.

    On the Widgets, well, like I said, it’s not that hard but different for different themes and for me the instructions took a while to go thru. Good luck, hopefully someone can show you.

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