• Resolved wildbug


    Right now, my theme allows me to input multiple category numbers in my theme settings page and the # of posts I specify from each category will appear in my left column, vertically down the page. I decided to make my theme a 2 column instead of 3 column, and want those (6) category posts to now display 3 posts across the page, in 2 rows, just under my featured posts slideshow: planetthrive.com. How can I do this?

    Here is the code on my index page that calls the category posts:

    <!-- BEGIN category posts -->
    <div class="category">
    		$categories = get_categories('hide_empty=1&include=' . fs_settings('home_categories'));
    		foreach ($categories as $category) :
    		query_posts('showposts=' . fs_settings('home_category_length') . '&cat='.$category->cat_ID);
    		if (have_posts()) : $count = 0;
    		<div class="box">
    		<h2><?php echo $category->name ?></h2>
    		while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $count++;
    		$titlewidth = 22;
    		<li<?php if ($count==1) echo ' class="first"'; ?>>
    			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo fs_clean($post->post_title, $titlewidth); if (strlen($post->post_title)>$titlewidth) echo '...'; ?></a>
    			<a class="attachment" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php fs_attachment_image($post->ID, 'thumbnail', 'alt="' . $post->post_title . '"'); ?></a>
    			<p><?php echo fs_clean($post->post_content, 105); ?>...</p>
    		<?php endwhile; ?>
    		<p class="note"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category->cat_ID); ?>"><?php fs_lang("More from this category"); ?></a></p>
    		<?php endif; endforeach; ?>
    	<!-- END category posts -->

    Is it just a matter of adjusting the CSS or do I need to modify the code above? Any help appreciated, I am not a programmer. Thanks!!

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