Hi Ishan
What I need is to have pages that can be made with independently controllable column widths in the content area only. For example I am trying to help a client who wants to place, in the content part of his pages, a left column with say 20% width for the explanatory text and a right column with the 80% remainder for an image to illustrate the descriptor text. You can do this with page columnist, but it means doing it on every page individually.
Now the point for this client is that as an architect he wants to show all his projects, with say 3 or 4 pages per project and each page shown on its own, with a page number link below each page article linking it to the next page of the projects.
So the structure goes like this:
Main link “projects”
sub page 1: “project 1 – page 1, 2, 3 etc.
sub page 2: “project 2 – page 1, 2, 3 etc.
and so on all with the same structure visually but showing only within the projects page and not added to the menu at all.
Now much of this is easy to do, with a little tweaking, but making the variable two column pages confuses the client (not very experienced in this kind of work) and I was hoping to find a catch all solution to make the process as easy as possible.
Your plugin as good as it is, requires a certain amount of technical knowledge even at the level of syntax. And I think it complicates the process because it makes the user deal with the concept of tables rather than simply marking a portion of content as belonging to a say left column and giving it a numeric value for the width! Now there are plugins that help even a novice achieve column sets in their posts and pages, but aside from the rather complicated two step process of Page Columnist I have not found one column making plugin that allows you to control the two parameters of column numbers and widths independently in one easy to understand interface. Ideally what you need is to set two separate parameters of number of columns and the width of each as simply as you can determine the text format.
[ so what I mean in as small a nutshell as I can stuff it into is:
he writes his text. selects a section and gives it the command to be column 1, then puts an image in column 2 and so on, then writes 20% as the value for the first and 80% for column 2, hits update and he’s got the layout he needs.]
Your plugin is brilliant for doing advanced layout in the text and so on, but it does not provide for this function.
Thanks for the reply VM