• Hello im wonder how i can edit the theme so i can have a larger size header either b just moving the main menu down or by just making the space above big enough for my logo ??

    is this possible? Thanks for your help.

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  • Hate to bug you again but I would like to add my name/site at the bottom for designing the site. how can i do that when thier current CSS is this:

    <p class=”to-left”><?php echo myThemes::get( ‘footer-text’, true ); ?></p>

    Thank you.

    Just as a matter of clarification, that line is PHP & HTML, not CSS; CSS affects styling while the PHP & HTML is actual page code. With that out of the way…

    It looks like you’ve found the relevant code in the footer.php file. Technically, you should not change any of the theme files directly, but create a child theme, and make a copy of the original footer.php file into your child theme directory. The reason is you will lose your changes if the theme ever gets updated (for example, if the theme developer happens to fix the ability to upload your own header image).

    What you can do instead, though, is add some JavaScript/jQuery code that will replace the footer text with whatever you want. The theme comes with an option to add your own JavaScript code:

    1. Go to Appearance > Theme Options and scroll down to the very bottom of the page.
    2. Copy and paste this code into the field that’s labeled Tracking code. The purpose of the Tracking code field is to add scripts from, for example, Google Analytics if you want to track the visitors to your site. However, the field will take any JavaScript Code.
      // Add any JavaScript/jQuery code to be executed after the document loads here
      var txtDesignedBy = 'Mr. Magoo Designs';
      var urlDesignedBy = 'https://magoo.com';
      $("footer .to-left").html("Copyright 2013. Designed by <a href='" + urlDesignedBy + "' target='_blank'>" + txtDesignedBy + "</a>");

      Of course, change the values of txtDesignedBy and urlDesignedBy to the name of your company and your company’s web address, respectively.

    This should replace the HTML in the footer with your own HTML. And this technique has the advantage of not getting overridden by any theme updates (unless the theme developer does something really out of the ordinary in wiping out theme options, too, but I’ve never seen that happen), without having to create a child theme.

    I should have thought of this before, but you can also use this same technique (JavaScript/jQuery) to make any changes to your web page, including adding a logo to the header. You just have to learn how to use jQuery.

    By the way, how did you get your preview images to show up on your video clips?

    I should have also included what change to make in case you do want to create a child theme, or if you want to live dangerously by modifying the theme files directly.

    Change this:

    <p class="to-left"><?php echo myThemes::get( 'footer-text', true ); ?></p>

    to this:

    <p class="to-left">Copyright 2013. Design by <a href="https://magoo.com" target="_blank">Mr. Magoo Designs</a></p>

    What if you want to change just one specific word in a paragraph on a page another color? I have not figured out how to do this yet and it’s one of the last things that needs done. Thank you.

    If it’s just one word in one place (one page), add inline CSS to it:

    The sly <span style="color:red;">fox</span> jumped over the lazy dogs.

    This sets the color of the word fox to red. You can also use RGB (red, green, blue) hex values: #ff0000 is red, #00ff00 is green, #0000ff is blue, #ffffff is white, #000000 is black. See this for how to select a specific color.

    If you are planning on changing the color of a word on multiple pages, then create a class instead, and a CSS rule to color that class:

    I washed a red t-shirt with my whites and now all my underwear is <span class="special-color">pink</span>.

    Here, I assigned a class called special-color to that word. If I wanted other words in other parts of my site to have the same color, I would assign the same class to it.

    Then in the custom CSS field, you would add this CSS rule:

    .special-color {
       color: #FF66FF;

    All web elements that have the class special-color would then have text colored pink (#FF66FF). The good thing about this approach is if you decide to change the color of all the words, you only need to change it in one place, in your CSS rule. Otherwise you’d have to go back through all your pages and change each word individually.

    By the way, in the footer you left the last ‘n’ from your web site address. The link points to https://www.brittanyhoffma.com and not https://www.brittanyhoffman.com.

    Theme Author mythemes


    more simple solution for footer copyright:

    go to :

    my-lovely/cfg/admin/default.php and edit line 13 ( here is copyright text ).

    Theme Author mythemes


    this solution is avaible for all myThem.es themes ( just number of line can be other )

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