Agrh… Can people just leave the bloggin’ community outta all those ads? We get enough of that crap on TV, radio and all over the city… Jeeze… You can’t watch a movie on TV without ads interrupting you every now and then… Then you get pissed off, rent a DVD and what you see there? Right – ads for the upcoming movies (in some cases you can’t stop these ads, you *have* to watch’em). And I can go on…
I mean… wtf… ads on the personal blog? Will you let Nike or Adidas to put ad flyers into your diary book (that is if you have/had one)? No! So why stuff people with some unrelated ads on your personal site? I understand corporate sites, but personal!!
I fscking hate ads! Yes, you read it right. I know the consequences of my reply, this might start the flaming or there will be a huge discussion on this subject (which will help you with the traffic) so I’m kinda helping you promoting your site. Ads everywhere… Damn marketing…
Just had to spit it out… Now go flame me… I’m off to zzz anyway…
Oh, by the way, I’ll post something a-la this reply tomorrow on my site I hope some bloggers will finally understand that nobody care about ads on their personal site, visitors are interested in you, your personal side and your interests… Not some “asbestos”, “mesothelioma” and “debt consolidation” ads…