You can write a small JavaScript to handle the conversion of phone numbers into clickable telephone links.
Here is a snippet:
If you want to validate for smartphones only then write a function to evaluate value of isMobile
to true if it’s a phone. You can use screen size or a third party library like DeviceJS
Then var isMobile =;
or var isMobile = ($(document).width() <= 640);
// convert tel links to phone number for mobile devices
if (isMobile) {
var $tel = $('.bigContact-phone .bigContact-value');
$tel.each(function(index) {
$('<a id="' + $($tel[index]).attr('id') + '" class="' + $($tel[index]).attr('class') + '" href="tel:' + $($tel[index]).text().replace(/\D/g, '') + '">' + $($tel[index]).text() + '</a>').insertBefore($($tel[index]));
Don’t forget to test it.. Just wrote this as an starting point for you.