• Hello there,

    Tried to implement the plugin on my site, but as I feared, the comment editing does not show up, and I don’t even see the javascript files being loaded in the source code of the page.

    The reason is, I believe, because the theme I’m using has its own classes & ID names for the comment fields, which breaks the use of a plugin (I thought that I’d at least see the JS files being loaded, but doesn’t look like it’s the case).

    Had a quick look at the files, and I think the PHP is the only thing I need to edit, especially that part :

    /* Begin Filters */
    if ( !is_feed() && !defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) {
    	add_filter( 'comment_excerpt', array( $this, 'add_edit_interface'), 1000, 2 );
    	add_filter( 'comment_text', array( $this, 'add_edit_interface'), 1000,2 );
    	//Notice Thesis compatibility not here?  It's not an accident.

    What I want to know is if I’m on the right track or if I’m missing things or not. Won’t take your time by asking you to have a look at the theme files ?? Great plugin btw! Simple, gets the job done.

    Thanks in advance.


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