making the css style file child theme for twentyeleven?
Goal: Making a style.css file child theme for theme twentyeleven.
Info: I’ve just installed and run wordpress and trying out
how it works. Nothing important. I can’t read code, but know about notepad++.
I have followed this video step by step.
And I understand he is using a local server, and I’m moving folders and
files to my webhost, using ftp.
But when I open my website it has gotten different. The header picture is there, but text looks like raw html.Top of my twentyeleven style.css looks like this:
/* Theme Name: Twenty Eleven Theme URI: Author: the WordPress team Author URI: Description: The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom "Ephemera" widget to display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured "sticky" posts), and special styles for six different post formats. Version: 1.4 License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: Tags: dark, light, white, black, gray, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, flexible-width, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready Text Domain: twentyeleven */ /* =Reset default browser CSS. Based on work by Eric Meyer: -------------------------------------------------------------- */
The rest of the css code I’ve deleted on the file that is going into the child theme folder.
How should the child theme code look like?
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