• indiadamjones


    Hello, sorry if this is the wrong topic area for this, and I understand this is a third-party theme, as well. I’m having a final lingering issue in a very nice site located here, related to the fancybox as harnessed by the theme. https://stitch9.com

    I have only intermediate development skills, and I’ve exhausted my normal abilities. Below the slider, in the masonry area, the first post fancybox adds a description, and it’s doubling the image causing it to appear differently then the others. When I remove the link from the article copy it works as the others.

    I’d like to be able to include links in my article content without this happening. Please direct me to any place I can get some guidance on this.

    Mucho Gracias!

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  • Thread Starter indiadamjones


    The offending post is called “Decorative Throw Pillows”. If I simply remove the link from the article text, it work as the others.

    Thread Starter indiadamjones


    Here is the area where I tracked it down to. I changed the > description length to 900 which helped, but it’s still loading a double image due to the link in the article content.

    // Check if description exists
          if( description.length > 900 ) {
            $('<div class="fancy-desc">'+description.html()+'</div>').appendTo('#fancybox-content');
    fancyInit( $('a.grouped, a[rel^=lightbox-]') );
    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    This is really fascinating to see a conversation with yourself ?? but have you considered contacting the theme author for support?


    That Photogram theme (like all commercial products [it’s free but still commerical]) is not one that is supported here.

    Thread Starter indiadamjones


    Will do thank you! I will check with them. Sorry for the mis-post! And now, we wait…

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