• I am using WordPress SEO by yoast on all of my sites and recently I have seen drop in my SERPs, I was digging to find out what caused that. It was not that much difficult to dig the problem as I found some kind of malfunction in SEO by yoast plugin.
    before I mention few screenshots I want to mention the URL of my site to remove confusion: blazinglist.com
    Let me mention few screenshots of what I have in Title and metas settings: https://prntscr.com/62y4ac
    and opposite to this what is being indexed in Search engines is this: https://prntscr.com/62y4ou
    I know there is a possibility that i altered meta title settings in SEO by yoast meta box under post editing section But I have done nothing like that, its showing exactly this format on my site,, even if I open the page on my site like this one: https://blazinglist.com/10-best-wireless-mouse-2015/
    it shows me the <title> tag of this post as: “10 Best Wireless mouse 2015″ and not like:”10 Best Wireless mouse 2015 – Blazing list” but still its getting indexed in search engine with later format.
    I am confused, if it were happening with only one site, I would have digged further to see what is really causing this but I am having EXACTLY same issues on my other 2 blogs, techtapper.comm and geekstopten.com
    I would be glad if somebody from the team could help me in this.


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