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  • I’m using headway theme and I can’t find any of the files or code that anyone is referring to. I’ve already lost one of my sites and its still showing malware warning so any assistance would be appreciated. (lost all site files so its a fresh install and still malware warning appears)

    I’m not using TimThumb by the way.

    This malware warning won’t go away in a second because Google has to review your site again. The message you see is (most of the times) based on Google data. So you can clean up your site and wait or submit a review of your site in Google webmaster tools.

    ok that takes care of one of the sites but what about the other?

    Scan your site with please.
    What does it says?

    0 malware and 0 viruses found but blacklisted by Google. So I guess at this point I can submit a review request to reinstate with Google for that site as well now.

    If the scanner is right; yes

    Also, pls mind that we’re talking here about issues with TimThumb, so obviously your sites are facing some different problems and therefoere solutions developed here rather won’t work for you.

    Chris my sites are receiving “Malware ( Warning on Chrome” just like everyone else is so while majority are using TimThumb which seems to be largely affected by this issue they aren’t the only wordpress sites affected.

    I followed Cupracer’s instructions and I have a few simple questions:

    1. According to, the issue lies within a jquery.js file (specific to my theme). I re-uploaded the new file, and I still receive the same error. Does this take time to propagate?

    2. Are there any other malware scanners that would assist me?

    i’ve removed upd.php, and also remove eab9c5e9815adc4c40a6557495eed6d3.php kind of file but my site shows display malicious warning in chrome .
    Please help me i’m in trouble.
    my website.

    Yeah. We got hacked too. I have removed upd.php from wp-content and wp-admin and the long hash .php from wp-content. updated timthumb.php inside of plugins/islidex/js. Still have the browser warning. What is this attack doing? Should I warn my users?

    Clear your browser cache!

    I have trouble with the admin interface. Tried reinstalling everything. Changing to default theme and so on. I still can’t change the publishing date for example. Seems to be a jquery problem. Any ideas?

    I get Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘prop’ btw.

    I have also changed MySQL passwords (and updated both wp-config.php and bb-config.php (buddypress/bbpress user don’t forget this), admin passwords, cpanel passwords and changed auth salt keys in wp-config.php. I suggest everyone not skip these tedious step for protection. I have cleared my browser’s cache and the warning is still coming up for me (on Mac – Chrome and Safari) but not for my P.C. using colleagues. I am super paranoid and this has triggered a delusional bout of paranoia. Have I missed anything?

    Oh, and Google webmaster tools doesn’t, and hasn’t ever “found” any malicious software on my site. Where are the warnings coming from? Who is issuing them, as google apparently never found anything wrong with my site?

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