Hi @slomeli79,
Thanks for asking.
cachestats.php is where the docket cache stores cache stats data used on the Overview page. It frequently updates when the docketcache_gc cron event run. Please refer “Docket Cache -> Cronbot” page.
This is how it looks like.
<?php if ( !\defined('ABSPATH') ) { return false; }
return [
'timestamp' => 1631502067,
'size' => 661748,
'filesize' => 996677,
'files' => 531,
Docket Cache doesn’t use the database, it stores its own configuration in the wp-content/docket-cache-data/
This is the list of files:
cachestats.php — Stats data
checkversion.php — Check Critical Version data. Please refer “Docket Cache -> Configuration -> PLUGIN OPTIONS -> Check Critical Version”
cronbot.php — Cronbot configuration.
index.html — placeholder.
lock — Directory contain lock files.
options.php — Configuration data
pings.php — Cronbot ping data.
runtime.php — Runtime configuration.
wp-config-bak0.php — Backup of wp-config.php file.
I believe it is a false alarm.