Finding the place that the script lives and is inserted means searching through files and locating where it lives at this moment. That’s doable and will involve replacing all of your existing files with ones from trusted sources when you can.
That’s not really the problem: you have to either identify and close the door that the hack entered via or harden your installation so that file modifications can’t happen. If you don’t do that then the hack will be back again.
Edit: Locking down the file system is a good start but vulnerable code can still effect your database even with a locked down file system.
Edit of the edit: Also replacing the files won’t matter if you miss the hidden directory that the hack lives in as an entry point.
The downside of that is that somethings may not work. For example being able to download and install plugins, themes and updates will need to be done manually outside of WordPress because really hardening your installation means that the web server won’t be able to update those files and directories.
It’s a lot of work and it does suck. I’m sorry but there’s not really a short cut for delousing a hacked site.