• So I am helping the owner of the site to clean up and secure the site, fixed all updates of php, wordpress and plugins, and trying to get all scan results down, I have uninstalled and installed plugins to make sure cheksums match and such, added some code to fix curl28error with longer response time and so on. on the server side updated as much that was possible.

    Done several scans , with different results.
    Cerber shows several plugins installed directly from WP-admin as example:
    My Custom Functions plugin — Integrity data not found — Resolve issue

    Suspicious code found in /my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php

    As shown below, had a look at several files that have the same error.
    I really cant see any malicious code in my humble opinion , but I am not sure.

     * Prevent Direct Access
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( "Restricted access!" );
     * Prepare the custom code
    function spacexchimp_p001_prepare() {
        // Put value of plugin constants into an array for easier access
        $plugin = spacexchimp_p001_plugin();
        // Retrieve options from database and declare variables
        $options = get_option( $plugin['settings'] . '_settings' );
        $data = !empty( $options['snippets'] ) ? $options['snippets'] : '';
        $enable = !empty( $options['enable'] ) ? $options['enable'] : '';
        // Prepare a variable for storing the processed data
        $data_out = "";
        // If data is not empty...
        if ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
            // If the custom code is enabled...
            if ( $enable == "on") {
                // Prepare a variable for storing the processing data, and perform data processing
                $data_tmp = $data;
                $data_tmp = trim( $data_tmp );           // Cleaning
                $data_tmp = ltrim( $data_tmp, '<?php' ); // Cleaning
                $data_tmp = rtrim( $data_tmp, '?>' );    // Cleaning
                $data_out .= $data_tmp;
        // Return the processed data
        return $data_out;
     * Preparation of the custom code: Check the custom code for duplicate names of functions
    function spacexchimp_p001_preparation_duplicates( $data ) {
        // Put value of plugin constants into an array for easier access
        $plugin = spacexchimp_p001_plugin();
        // Find names of user entered snippets and check for duplicates
        preg_match_all('/function[\s\n]+(\S+)[\s\n]*\(/i', $data, $user_func_names);
        $user_func_a = count( $user_func_names[1] );
        $user_func_b = count( array_unique( $user_func_names[1] ) );
        // Find all names of declared user snippets and mutch with names of user entered snippets
        $declared_func = get_defined_functions();
        $declared_func_user = array_intersect( $user_func_names[1], $declared_func['user'] );
        $declared_func_internal = array_intersect( $user_func_names[1], $declared_func['internal'] );
        // Update error status
        if ( $user_func_a != $user_func_b OR count( $declared_func_user ) != 0 OR count( $declared_func_internal ) != 0 ) {
            update_option( $plugin['settings'] . '_error', '1' );   // ERROR
            $error_status = '1';
        } else {
            update_option( $plugin['settings'] . '_error', '0' );   // RESET ERROR VALUE
            $error_status = '0';
        // Return error status
        return $error_status;
     * Process the custom code
    function spacexchimp_p001_exec() {
        // Put value of plugin constants into an array for easier access
        $plugin = spacexchimp_p001_plugin();
        // If the STOP file exist...
        if ( file_exists( $plugin['path'] . 'STOP' ) ) {
            return;   // EXIT
        // Get the custom code by calling the "prepare" function
        $data = spacexchimp_p001_prepare();
        // If data is empty...
        if ( empty( $data ) OR $data == ' ' ) {
            return;   // EXIT
        // If the duplicates snippets finded...
        $duplicates = spacexchimp_p001_preparation_duplicates( $data );
        if ( $duplicates != 0 ) {
            return;   // EXIT
        // Parsing and execute by Eval
        if ( false === @eval( $data ) ) {
            update_option( $plugin['settings'] . '_error', '1' );   // ERROR
            return;   // EXIT
        } else {
            update_option( $plugin['settings'] . '_error', '0' );   // RESET ERROR VALUE
     * Inject the custom code into the website's backend and frontend

    From /advanced-custom-fields-pro/pro/updates.php:

    if( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    if( ! class_exists('acf_pro_updates') ) :
    class acf_pro_updates {
        *  __construct
        *  Initialize filters, action, variables and includes
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    23/06/12
        *  @since   5.0.0
        *  @param   n/a
        *  @return  n/a
        function __construct() {
            // actions
            add_action('init',  array($this, 'init'), 20);
        *  init
        *  description
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    10/4/17
        *  @since   5.5.10
        *  @param   $post_id (int)
        *  @return  $post_id (int)
        function init() {
            // bail early if no show_updates
            if( !acf_get_setting('show_updates') ) return;
            // bail early if not a plugin (included in theme)
            if( !acf_is_plugin_active() ) return;
            // register update
                'id'        => 'pro',
                'key'       => acf_pro_get_license_key(),
                'slug'      => acf_get_setting('slug'),
                'basename'  => acf_get_setting('basename'),
                'version'   => acf_get_setting('version'),
            // admin
            if( is_admin() ) {
                add_action('in_plugin_update_message-' . acf_get_setting('basename'), array($this, 'modify_plugin_update_message'), 10, 2 );
        *  modify_plugin_update_message
        *  Displays an update message for plugin list screens.
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    14/06/2016
        *  @since   5.3.8
        *  @param   $message (string)
        *  @param   $plugin_data (array)
        *  @param   $r (object)
        *  @return  $message
        function modify_plugin_update_message( $plugin_data, $response ) {
            // bail ealry if has key
            if( acf_pro_get_license_key() ) return;
            // display message
            echo '<br />' . sprintf( __('To enable updates, please enter your license key on the <a href="%s">Updates</a> page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see <a href="%s">details & pricing</a>.', 'acf'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group&page=acf-settings-updates'), 'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/pro' );
    // initialize
    new acf_pro_updates();
    endif; // class_exists check
    *  acf_pro_get_license
    *  This function will return the license
    *  @type    function
    *  @date    20/09/2016
    *  @since   5.4.0
    *  @param   n/a
    *  @return  n/a
    function acf_pro_get_license() {
        // get option
        $license = get_option('acf_pro_license');
        // bail early if no value
        if( !$license ) return false;
        // decode
        $license = maybe_unserialize(base64_decode($license));
        // bail early if corrupt
        if( !is_array($license) ) return false;
        // return
        return $license;
    *  acf_pro_get_license_key
    *  This function will return the license key
    *  @type    function
    *  @date    20/09/2016
    *  @since   5.4.0
    *  @param   n/a
    *  @return  n/a
    function acf_pro_get_license_key() {
        // vars
        $license = acf_pro_get_license();
        $home_url = home_url();
        // bail early if empty
        if( !$license || !$license['key'] ) return false;
        // bail early if url has changed
        if( acf_strip_protocol($license['url']) !== acf_strip_protocol($home_url) ) return false;
        // return
        return $license['key'];
    *  acf_pro_update_license
    *  This function will update the DB license
    *  @type    function
    *  @date    20/09/2016
    *  @since   5.4.0
    *  @param   $key (string)
    *  @return  n/a
    function acf_pro_update_license( $key = '' ) {
        // vars
        $value = '';
        // key
        if( $key ) {
            // vars
            $data = array(
                'key'   => $key,
                'url'   => home_url()
            // encode
            $value = base64_encode(maybe_serialize($data));
        // re-register update (key has changed)
            'id'        => 'pro',
            'key'       => $key,
            'slug'      => acf_get_setting('slug'),
            'basename'  => acf_get_setting('basename'),
            'version'   => acf_get_setting('version'),
        // update
        return update_option('acf_pro_license', $value);
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by anderslinn.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter anderslinn




    if( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    if( ! class_exists('acf_location_attachment') ) :
    class acf_location_attachment extends acf_location {
        *  __construct
        *  This function will setup the class functionality
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    5/03/2014
        *  @since   5.0.0
        *  @param   n/a
        *  @return  n/a
        function initialize() {
            // vars
            $this->name = 'attachment';
            $this->label = __("Attachment",'acf');
            $this->category = 'forms';
        *  rule_match
        *  This function is used to match this location $rule to the current $screen
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    3/01/13
        *  @since   3.5.7
        *  @param   $match (boolean) 
        *  @param   $rule (array)
        *  @return  $options (array)
        function rule_match( $result, $rule, $screen ) {
            // vars
            $attachment = acf_maybe_get( $screen, 'attachment' );
            // validate
            if( !$attachment ) return false;
            // get attachment mime type
            $mime_type = get_post_mime_type( $attachment );
            // no specific mime
            if( !strpos($rule['value'], '/') ) {
                // explode into [0] => type, [1] => mime
                $bits = explode('/', $mime_type);
                // if type matches, fake the $mime_type to match
                if( $rule['value'] === $bits[0] ) {
                    $mime_type = $rule['value'];
            // match
            return $this->compare( $mime_type, $rule );
        *  rule_operators
        *  This function returns the available values for this rule type
        *  @type    function
        *  @date    30/5/17
        *  @since   5.6.0
        *  @param   n/a
        *  @return  (array)
        function rule_values( $choices, $rule ) {
            // vars
            $mimes = get_allowed_mime_types();
            $choices = array(
                'all' => __('All', 'acf')
            // loop
            foreach( $mimes as $type => $mime ) {
                $group = current( explode('/', $mime) );
                $choices[ $group ][ $group ] = sprintf( __('All %s formats', 'acf'), $group);
                $choices[ $group ][ $mime ] = "$type ($mime)";
            // return
            return $choices;
    // initialize
    acf_register_location_rule( 'acf_location_attachment' );
    endif; // class_exists check
    Thread Starter anderslinn


    reinstalled everything i could so the one issue remaining is /advanced-custom-fields-pro/includes/locations/class-acf-location-attachment.php

    Thread Starter anderslinn


    new scan with new results
    all except one is related to the plugin acf pro.
    probably a leftover from first one-click install when i google it.




    deleted wp-itapi completely, seems to have no negative effect on the site.

    Plugin Author gioni


    Hi! Yes, false positives happen, but in your case, you need to 1) click links in the results of a scan; they provide you with actionable information and 2) read explanations on the Help tab. If none of this helps, please let me know.

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