MAMP – localhost – mySQL database?..!
Fellow citizens. I’m about to yank out the solitary hair remaining on my noggin’.
What once seemed so simple has now been burried beneath an avalanche of confusion and excess information. I think….I’ve mixed up the last step or two in backing up an existing site on to my localhost. But here’s a summary of my situation:
Want to back-up an existing (v.3.5) site to my computer and update it to a more recent version of WordPress(v.3.6), then make changes to the content.
a.) Successfully downloaded WordPress 3.6 on my computer. It functioned fine until I began implementing the following steps.
b.) The existing WP site (v.3.5), which I need to back-up and make changes to, was designed by someone else about a year ago by someone who isn’t around now.
c.) Have backed-up the existing WP site to my computer.
d.) I recently got admin privileges from our webhost for the existing WP site.
e.) Successfully downloaded MAMP on my Mac computer. It functions fine.
f.) Have set Document root, as instructed, in MAMP Preferences. I placed the WP files in Applications/MAMP/htdocs
g.) Have backed-up WP mySQL database. Potential issue: Once renamed, should the mySQL database be placed within the htdocs folder? Secondly, can I rename the database anything I want, or must it be named something specific?
h.) Have created a wordpress database in MAMP phpMYadmin. Should the naming of this database be different than the mySQL database. And, yes, I have gone into the ‘wp database options’ to change ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’ to the localhost document root.Whenever I do attempt the following:
I get a ‘404 Not Found’ error message.Miscellaneous
Have consulted numerous YouTube videos on this process. The useful videos seemed clear and straightforward. Yet when I follow the steps – no dice.
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