• Resolved mygrove


    In a typical relational database with many to many relationships, I would handle these using a “link table”. But how do I achieve this with Pods?

    As an example I have three tables (Pods):


    The Appointments table contain four fields: link to Person (1-many), link to Places (1-many), start_date, end_date

    Now my issue is when I want to build some list reports or queries I want to be able to show

    Person, Place, start_date, end_date

    So I am linking into the Appointments Pod and onto the Place Pod picking up the start and end dates on the way.

    There are probably other examples where the relationship carries information. If there is a worked example or demo of Pods doing this I would be very grateful.


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  • Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @mygrove

    This doesn’t sound like a case where such a link table is required.
    From what I understand the Person and Place pods don’t really have a connection besides being part of the appointment.

    Other than that I’m not really understanding your actual question. Could you let me know what isn’t working?

    For tutorials I think it’s best if you watch our introduction videos:

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter mygrove



    There is a many-to-many relationship between People and Places, but each of the links needs to hold information relating to that specific link i.e. the start_date and end_date.

    Yes, you can link People and Places many-to-many but then there is nowhere to hold that additional information.

    Ultimately I want to be able to query People and show all the Places associated with them with the data from the Appointment. Also to be able to do the reverse and query all the Places and show all People that have ever been linked to that Place (in start_date order!)


    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @mygrove

    Still, I don’t really read a question..
    If your question is about how to create a link table then this would be a sparate Pod with only the link-specific fields, like Place, start_date and end_date for example.
    This could be an Advanced Content Type (see components, so these links are stored in a separate table) or a private Custom Post Type.

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter mygrove


    I am happy with the structure now.

    What I cannot find is how to get fields from the Places pod into a Pod Template to use in the Person pod.

    The fields appear in the Pod Reference list when configuring the template, but they are blank when viewing actual Person post.

    The two link fields are set up bidirectional in each Pod.


    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @mygrove

    What I cannot find is how to get fields from the Places pod into a Pod Template to use in the Person pod.

    Have you checked our tutorial video’s?

    If the Places are related to the Person you should be able to do:

    [each related_places_field_name]

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter mygrove


    That’s it. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    You’re welcome! The best way to say thanks is to leave a 5 star review at https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/pods/ and (if you’re feeling especially generous) become a Friend of Pods at https://friends.pods.io/

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