the reference for this warning is here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/changelog/version8.0#catalog-api
More precisely:
The following Catalog API endpoints now respect two-factor authentication Business settings. Any app calling this endpoint will receive an error if the Business that has claimed the app requires two-factor authentication for the current app user.
It’s referred only to Product Catalog, so it won’t be necessary if you don’t use it. Anyway, my suggestion is to enable it in order to avoid problems for the future also for the other features (custom audience above all), because it seems the Facebook’s intention is to force everyone to increment the security.
However, it’s just a warning. You can ignore it if you want, but keeping it in mind when there should be any permission errors when using Product Catalog features or Custom Audiences ??
Then, about the warning which doesn’t remove complained by @laniwa and @dynamic22, firstly make sure to give 1 or 2 seconds after you click into the X before to change page or refresh the page. If you won’t be able to remove it yet, try to add this little plugin I made which will delete the warning for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbynxo138ejkz0w/pixel-caffeine-remove-2fa-warning.zip?dl=0
Download the zip and upload it as a new plugin. Activate it and after activation, you shouldn’t see the warning anymore. After you can immediately deactivate it and delete it if you want because it just makes an operation to the DB to remove the flag which makes the warning active, so it won’t be necessary anymore.
Let me know if it works.
Thank you.