• Hi,
    I have two very basic questions, which I couldn’t find answer to.

    1. I wrote my first post in WORD, then I tried pasting it and publishing it as a post. However The spaces between the lines turn out very weird, prpbably has something to do with HTML or XHTML setting. Anyway, too many spaces between each line and I can’t seem to fix it in the “visual” mode, and don’t know how to edit it in the “code” mode. what should i do to fix these lines?

    2. I want my whole blog to have picture I made as a background. How can I achieve that?

    3. Is it possible to delete the whole ruler which I have at my left?

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  • 1. Go to code editing mode and wrap each paragraph in <p> and </p>
    like this:

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi dictum sagittis odio. Suspendisse in purus sed tellus luctus aliquam. Sed ornare malesuada ligula. Maecenas eget lacus. Aliquam enim risus, egestas non, vestibulum sed, varius non, ipsum. Integer diam. Duis auctor. Aliquam tristique lorem ut nulla. Mauris sit amet mauris. Nam euismod neque id arcu.</p>

    <p> Suspendisse at est. Etiam ultrices elit in nisi. Nunc pede risus, semper et, nonummy a, condimentum eu, magna. Nam urna. Proin arcu. Duis aliquam, turpis fermentum mattis blandit, leo purus placerat lacus, sit amet dictum ligula mauris at quam. </p>

    That will format them as paragraphs that can be styled with css declarations.

    2. You need to add the following to your css, and the location to which you need to add it depends on whether you want the background to cover the entire browser window, or just the main 760-odd-pixel-wide container. This is what you need to add if you want background to whole window:

    body { background: url(https://locationofimagefile.com/location/location.jpg #ffffff 50% 50% no-repeat; }

    but some styles may already exist for the body selector, in which case just slot this: background: url(https://locationofimagefile.com/location/location.jpg #ffffff 50% 50% no-repeat; in.

    This assumes you have an image that you want centered horizontally and vertically, and that you do not want to repeat horizontally or vertically. The #ffffff will fill any areas of body that are not ‘covered’ by the image, in white.

    There really is too much to explain to put it all here… if you have no experience with css you need to google something like “css basics”.

    3. What ruler?

    good luck

    – John

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