I just checked your site again and also browsed through some of the other links: Crunchy roasted potatoes and Cauliflower potato curry – noted the point on the gluten-free taking over the 6th post which is indeed strange.
Can you let me know the settings you have for the related posts that are displayed. Do these all have manual posts? If so, how many?
Can you toggle the option to find posts by Title and Content under list tuning and see what happens to the results.
Are you in a position to install Query Monitor plugin and check what the queries are for each of these pages – you should have two in total with WP_Query->get_posts related to this plugin that are relevant.
You’ll need to disable the cache in the settings page.
The first is the one with the MATCH clause which pulls the related posts.
Second will be a simple query that pulls the manual related posts.