Please edit the Widget.php file of our plugin. Please find this code:
$TotalSoftcalEvent .= ‘<div class=”TotalSoftcalEvent_LAE TotalSoftcalEvent_LAE_’ . $Total_Soft_Cal .'”></div>’;
array_push($Total_Soft_CalEvents_Desc, $TotalSoftcalEvent);
There, change and write like this
$TotalSoftcalEvent .= ‘<div class=”TotalSoftcalEvent_LAE TotalSoftcalEvent_LAE_’ . $Total_Soft_Cal .'”></div>’;
if(strtotime($Total_Soft_CalEvents[$i]->TotalSoftCal_EvEndDate) == “”){
while ($startdate <= $enddate) {
array_push($Total_Soft_CalEvents_Desc, $TotalSoftcalEvent);
$startdate = strtotime(“+1 day”, $startdate);
Please try this version and tell us know, does it work or not? If yes, We will add this function in the next version.
Thank You.