• lukefive


    Been trying to defer parsing of JS on my site for months. Don’t want to use a plugin; there are too many installed.

    Today, stripped out many of the methods I was testing. Two options left:
    A) PHP snippet discussed on following page, but does not work for me, probably due to reasons the moderator bcworkz outlined near the bottom defer-these-js-files
    B) A script named parseJSAtOnload() from TechNumero.co which also does not work for me. Don’t know why not.

    First, is PHP or JavaScript preferred?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Joy


    It makes more sense to me to affect the script loading in PHP, not JS.
    Perhaps your current method is due to the ‘jquery’ handle being manipulated internally to be ‘jquery-core’.
    Just this week, there was another topic on this: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/add-attribute-to-jquery/#post-13631076

    Thread Starter lukefive


    @joyously that’s what I was thinking last night. The results I need are not especially complex; just delay the scripts on my “short list.”

    PHP is fast and it’s lower down the stack than JavaScript.

    I Googled again and noticed a more robust PHP option farther down one of the pages I referenced before at TechNumero (I will test today). Plus it is well commented:

    // Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WP via functions.php file
    function defer_parsing_js($url) {
    //Add the files to exclude from defer. Add jquery.js by default
        $exclude_files = array('jquery.js');
    //Bypass JS defer for logged in users
        if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
            if (false === strpos($url, '.js')) {
                return $url;
            foreach ($exclude_files as $file) {
                if (strpos($url, $file)) {
                    return $url;
        } else {
            return $url;
        return "$url' defer='defer";
    add_filter('clean_url', 'defer_parsing_js', 11, 1);

    … and their page link

    Thread Starter lukefive


    Strange but true:
    This improved our score at GTMetrix.

    But 3 remaining “recaptcha” scripts that we need to target; perhaps each by name?

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