Many SPAM messages despite CAPTCHA plugin
I’m using Contact Form 7 together with Really Simple CAPTCHA.
At first, it was functioning well, but 2 weeks ago I suddenly recieved many SPAM messages despite the fact I’m still using the same configuration.Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Same problem here… Ideas anyone?
same here
If you’re using Contact Form 7, it can also use Akismet.
And it hooks into WordPress’ built in Comment Spam utility.
This DOES NOT work for a corporate / company sites!
Perfectly correct, non-SPAM message (though cooperation offer) is marked as SPAM and not delivered to the company.
Either Akismet or Really Simple CAPTCHA fails on this.
Big ******, if talking about company website, if you loose potential customer, only because of such stupid error, that he can’t send you initial cooperation offer.
@ trejder
If you want others to help, you have to be more specific in what’s causing the problem. If Akismet is preventing because of reported incident, you’ll need to get it touch with them. If the CAPTCHA is not working correctly, what exactly happens when they try to use it?
Also, frowns upon people using curse words in their posts. Kids get on here too. I’ve tagged this thread so a moderator can edit the curse word you used in your post.
Very, very sorry for using inproper words here! ?? Won’t happen again.
I’ve posted information here, because I noticed problem directly in CAPTCHA plugin. I have enabled akismet integration in this plugin and it failed to sent legit e-mail. I informed users here, because they may not be aware, that enabling aksimet in captcha to prevent spam (what is discussed here) can cause normal e-mails to not pass-through.
I’m not willing to get into touch with aksimet support, because there is not support at all there. There is a thread opened (in which I took part), where someone is proving that akismet is sending private blog’s and user’s data, sensitive to security, to their own servers, without any reason. And non of the akismet moderators, admins or creators has responded in such important thing. After that I’m really thinking about dropping akismet at all.
But the reason to post here, not at Akismet was, to inform that captcha-akismet integration fails on certain occasions. If I would wrote that there, they would probably reply me, that this is releated to captcha plugin, not akismet.
Cheers, and sorry for offending words again.
@ trejder
check your spam filters on the server or ask someone to configure them.
that should work, in my case after changing them with the help of the sysadmin the number of spam messages dropped to a low 1/2 every 2/3 days.Cheers, hope it helps
@lemonthirst: you’ve completely misunderstood my post.
SPAM was detected by Akismet, on WordPress side! E-mail never reached my servers. It is problem of Akismet, Captcha plugin or their both cooperation, not spam filters, as message in decribed case is never sent and never leaves WordPress.
Funny thing is, that when I used test case scenario (sending as “viagra-test-123” in sender name), Akismet catched that as SPAM correctly. But, when I used different sender, but exactly the same string in e-mail, subject and body, message was delivered without problems and blocked on my Gmail, spam filters side. Neither WordPress nor akismet comply nothing about sending message with [email protected] sender address or “viagra-test-123” in subject or body.
This proves, in my opinion, that catching spam in contact form using both akismet and captcha plugin still have a long road before it, until it will finally be usable. But, that’s my private opinion.
Ohh sorry, i did misunderstood (off topic still morning here)
As for the captcha plugins i must agree with you, spammers are getting quite tricky these days.
It up to the developers to make a difference.According to this, putting the word “viagra” in your WordPress Comment Blacklist should stop anything with “viagra” in the message field. Are you using that built in WordPress feature?
To tell you the truth, I’ve never really needed Akismet to catch anything. I’ve heard that other people have had issues with Akismet, but I never have. In fact, I’ve never relied on just one or two methods to stop spam. I use ZBBlock combined with the built in WordPress and Contact Form 7 anti-spam stuff, plus some specialized .htaccess rules and never really have a problem with spam.
Oh, this plugin might help as well, even on the contact form.
Try anti-spam plugin. It blocks about 99% of automatic submitted spam messages without captcha.
It is very easy to use: just install and it works invisibly for admin and for users.
You can read about ZBBlock here: you @all for all precious opinions and advices, but in my current situation, you missunderstood purpose of my post.
I don’t have problem with spam on my blogs. Current configuration works just fine, and if it would fail, I have always Gmail’s filters as second line of attack.
I’ve just noticed information about SPAM-preventing techniques that binds together Contact Form 7, CAPTCHA plugin and akismet. Enabled it on my company blog for a test purpose only and immediately noticed, that this team is just not working as it blocks correct e-mails from being sent.
I just wanted to warn others. You can easily spot false positives, which is spam not catched and delivered to you. But it is way harder to find out false negatives, where legit message is tagged as spam and thus not delivered.
I was lucky to catch such situation and so I was able to disengage this spam-preventing team. But there might be many people out there, that will want to run it on their company blogs, and will not be aware that this can possible block their customers from sending them letters.
That’s just the whole story.
Thanks again for anything and sorry again for a bit offending words.
I was pounded once I went live with site using e captcha to prevent spam… , specifically after I added url to google xml. this was error message:
session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/content/74/11063474/html/PlasticSfloridareview/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1692)
Can anyone advise how to fix this? I am not a coder so help me I am in kindergarden.
I must have had 20 Viagra ads in 3 minutes I thought I was popular ??
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