• Resolved downtonpc


    Hi I am getting loads of errors along the lines of
    Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /homepages/30/d574721670/htdocs/app574722482/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1820

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/30/d574721670/htdocs/app574722482/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1872

    Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /homepages/30/d574721670/htdocs/app574722482/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1820

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/30/d574721670/htdocs/app574722482/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1872

    An example page is here – https://downtonparishcouncil.gov.uk/main-council/agendas-and-minutes

    I tried to search but the plugin forum to see if this has been fixed before but does not support searching only 1 plugin. [Maybe that could be a request of the WP forum support site to provide searching of a plug-ins support pages?]



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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your report; it’s interesting to hear from you, and for posting the link to your example page, which was very helpful. Thanks as well for taking the time to search through the support forum looking for an earlier fix; I share your frustration at the lack of a plugin-specific search facility.

    I downloaded and tested the more recent documents added to the page and discovered that some of them, such as the 2016-01-11-main-mins.pdf file, have XMP metadata that contains “features” I haven’t seen before. I have improved my XMP processing logic to handle the data and avoid the PHP Warning messages.

    I have uploaded a new Development Version dated 20160320 that contains the fix. To get the Development Version, follow the instructions in this earlier topic:

    Shortcode not working in (special) widget

    It would be great if you can install the Development Version and let me know if it works for you. Of course, if any other problems emerge I want to know about them as well.

    I will leave this topic unresolved until the fix becomes part of the next MLA version. Thanks, as always, for bringing these documents to my attention so I can continue to improve the plugin.

    Thread Starter downtonpc


    David, hi many thanks for the prompt reply. I have no idea why the PDFs are now adding odd meta data. They are made from Word using File>Save As…

    I have followed your instructions and can confirm that the warnings etc have now gone.

    Many thanks again for such a useful plug-in. My next step is to make the file title clickable rather than just the PDF icon. I had spotted some posts on that.


    Thread Starter downtonpc


    Re searching just your plug in support forum. Using this as a search phrase in google kinda works:

    search-phrase “media library assistant” site:www.ads-software.com/support/topic/

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for the good news about the Development Version. Thanks as well for the tip on searching the forum from Google. It shouldn’t be that hard…

    Here’s a good place to start for a clickable title:

    List items

    Let me know if I can help.

    Thread Starter downtonpc



    Hi I tried to update the code as you suggested however I have the same results as mentioned in the other blog namely the font changes – https://downtonparishcouncil.gov.uk/main-council/amenities-committee

    My code snippet is this:
    [mla_gallery mla_markup=downtonpc my_gallery_title="testing Documents" post_parent=all post_mime_type="application/pdf" category_name=pub-doc tag="amen" link=file size=icon mla_caption='{+title+}' mla_target="_blank" mla_image_attributes='width="16" height="16" ' columns=1 orderby="name?DESC"]

    I do use customer templates but I can’t see anywhere obvious to put the code snippet.

    Where does it go?

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your efforts to adapt the earlier topics to your application. When you wrote “the other blog” I understand that to mean your other support topic: Adjust Table Row Height; is that right? I believe I addressed the CSS styles issue in that topic.

    The font change in your Amenities Committee example page is a somewhat different problem. There are <code> tags around the styles, the table Heading and the gallery table. Your theme is applying font changes to everything within the <code> tags. Find and remove those tags and the fonts should be restored.

    You wrote “My code snippet” which I understand to refer to the shortcode text that follows the comment. You then wrote “I can’t see anywhere obvious to put the code snippet.” I think this second reference is to the “clickable title” you want to add to your gallery; is that right?

    Using the markup template from your other support topic, you can get a clickable title by adding to the [+pdf:Title+] element of your template’s Item section. Try something like this:

    <a href="[+file_url+]" target="_blank">[+pdf:Title+]</a>
    <td class="gallery-icon">

    You can also try replacing [+pdf:Title+] with just [+title+], which will save the work of opening the document and parsing out the metadata within it. You can remove the mla_caption='{+title+}' parameter; your template does not use the caption value.

    If I haven’t understood your question, let me know where I went wrong and I will try again.

    Thread Starter downtonpc



    Re the other blog I meant this one https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/attachment-title-as-link?replies=6 which is linked from your suggested link

    Thread Starter downtonpc


    David, hi sorry pressed submit too early. I added the based on the https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/attachment-title-as-link?replies=6 responses.

    I have removed the tags and added your suggested text to the template's Item section which works fine.

    I tried to use title as you suggested but all that displayed was the actual filename (less its extension). Digging thro the Docs I worked out that I could load the title from the PDF:title field and also Caption (used for the Governance page) from the PDF:subject field using the EXIT mapping. I hope this now means I only have to open the PDFs to extract their meta data when they are uploaded.

    This topic can be resolved - many thanks

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your updates with the good news, and for making the effort to dig through the Documentation tab and apply the IPTC/EXIF mapping rules in your application.

    As you discovered, the [+title+] substitution parameter holds the item’s Title, which is set to the file name of the PDF document in the absence of any other mapping rule. Adding the mapping rule updated the item’s Title, which avoids the need to parse the file’s metadata every time the gallery is displayed. Good work!

    I will mark this topic resolved when the XMP paring fixes go out with the next MLA version. Thanks for working with me on the issues in this topic.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have released MLA version 2.25, which includes the new parsing logic for XMP metadata.

    I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding the new version. Thanks again for working with me on this topic.

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