• Hi again,

    Loading the page now, the map displays “This page can’t load Google Maps correctly.” When seeing the JS error, it says “er responded with a status of 400 ()”

    Is there a way to fix this? We tried to put in a new API key but it didn’t fix it.

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have exactly the same issue. The problem has just started to occur within the last few days.

    The page I am having issues with is at https://www.tiger800rtw.com/current-location/

    Thanks in advance

    I have the same issue.
    Wp version 4.9.8 with Flexible Maps 1.16.0.
    Everything was fine but now I see this message on the map “For development purpose only”.
    Hope you can fix that.
    Thank you very much.

    Plugin Author webaware


    @enfi you need to create and add an API key. See here:



    Hello Ross,
    thanks for your message.
    Of course, I created an API and it was working.
    But some days ago I created another API for another website with a new Google Maps account and the plugin didn’t work.

    So, I created a new Api on the old account (where there was the first website) and then it stopped to work also the Api that was working.

    I have seen that if I use the Javascript Api without any Server Ip protection it works but if I want to use the GeoCode Location with Server Ip protection it doesn’t work.

    Thank you very much for your help.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon
    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by EnFi.
    Plugin Author webaware


    For the Maps JavaScript API (which is what is used on web pages to show the maps), you are best off restricting your API keys by HTTP referrer. You can have one key for multiple website that way too, if your total API hits are low enough.

    You can also add multiple IP addresses to IP address restriction, so if you’re using that for the server API key for address lookups, you can share the one key if the total API hits are low enough.

    If your total hits are significant you will probably be best served by creating a second Google APIs project for it and giving it its own API keys.


    thanks for the message.
    I have followed your guidelines from the beginning and your plugin was working fine.

    Later, something is changed and I don’t know what is.
    Anyway I’m using Geocoding API (I don’t know way the plugin ask for that) and it has around 5-6K calls, I use the Server IP referrer that in your tutorial you say is the best to protect and to avoid an increasing of calling.

    Just to try if I want to change to Ip referrer how I’m supposed to write the name of the website? with http or without?
    Thank you very much
    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by EnFi.
    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day EnFi,

    Geocoding is used to look up addresses. If you use an address to show your map, and don’t provide centre coordinates, it needs to use geocoding to find the coordinates.

    If you’re using the Server API key in the plugin, that’s best for address lookups because it caches the results and reuses them. You need to use IP address restriction for that, so you’re doing the right thing there. You can specify more than one IP address if you need to.

    For HTTP Referrer restriction, which you use for the JavaScript key, you don’t need to say http or https; just the domain name(s) and paths like this:



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