Very strange :/
You have no js error on the front-end, I can’t debug anything…
Let’s dig into this :
1- Have you tried a new feature before the bug started? Like the date in popovers, or to add a custom title/excerpt/thumbnail on one of your marker?
2- Does it work if you reset the plugins settings?
3- Do your post type (‘post’ I suppose) is still checked in the settings page (first setting)
4- Is it working on the backend post edit page? Can you set a marker on the map etc… ?
5- Maybe it’s an incompatible plugin, I know this is boring and sometime impossible for some reason (poorly written plugins that erase data on deactivation for example), but if you deactivate the other plugins, does it work? Try the caching plugin first.
6- I see that you are using Elementor, could you try on a page without this page builder?
7- If nothing works, maybe you can help me by installing a php error log plugin to see if something goes wrong. Or setting WP_DEBUG variable to true in your wp-config.php file at the root of your wordpress installation. This will show PHP errors if you have some, so don’t forget to turn it back when you have checked for errors.
8- If nothing works, you have no error, and I can’t reprocude your bug on my end, I can’t understand what’s happening… In the meantime, you could rollback to the previous version. A nice plugin for that is WP Rollback.
After rollback, you would have to save again travelers’ map settings because of the popovers styles changes I made. And save again posts you saved since Travelers map v1.11 is installed on your blog (the custom metadata changed since v1.10)
I’m sorry this is happening to you, despite all efforts and testing on my dev environment and my personnal blog, I can never know for sure that my updates are bug-free.