• I’m finally upgrading all my single WordPress blogs to a Multisite setup under the same IP address on a Media Temple (gs) shared account. I’ve read WordPress MU Domain Mapping multiple times but I still don’t get how to map domain.com/example to example.com if all my domains records are pointing to the same IP address.

    This is my current example.com domain configuration:

    • *.example.com – A record:
    • https://ftp.example.com – A record:
    • mail.example.com – A record:
    • example.com – A record:
    • https://www.example.com – A record:
    • example.com – MX record: 10 mail.example.com.

    In my Super Admin > Domain mapping I wrote on the Server IP Address field.

    In Super Admin > Domains, I mapped my ID=3 blog (domain.com/example) to example.com, but it just redirects to the empty, blank example.com domain.

    I know this is probably a very silly question, but unfortunately I don’t seem to understand the very logic behind this mapping phenomenon. Also, this is the third time I’m asking for help tonight, so I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Any suggestions on this?

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  • on a Media Temple (gs) shared account

    that’s your problem.

    I *think* on the gs you have to set up a symlink between your domain you want to map, and your wordpress install.

    Domains get pointed to the main site, not the subsite. the domain mapping plugin tells it what blog.

    Thread Starter joaoramos


    Thanks, Andrea. I have sent this topic in a support request to Media Temple, hoping it may help others like me. I’ll also reply the solution, of course.

    Just for documentation purposes, I’m using the domain.com/example subdirectory structure, not the example.domain.com subdomain structure.

    If you search here in the forums, we’ve gone over this before.

    Also, the format of your sub blogs doesn’t matter. Same process.

    Thread Starter joaoramos


    As it seems, MediaTemple support guys couldn’t help me out on this. I’ve already replaced my alternate domain folders with symlinks like this:

    ls -s domain.com/example example.com

    Is it possible that I misconfigured the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin? Or the issue might have to do with the domain structure itself or a not properly created symlink? My blogs are down for 3 days, I really need some help on this ??

    Here’s the MediaTemple Community Wiki article they gave me: Create symlink for domain alias. Right now my example.com domain (which by the way is visualizing.it) is giving me a error 403; also, my domain.com/example (which by the way is joaoramos.org/visualizing) is printing me a “Not Found” page from my joaoramos.org main WPMU blog.

    Also, from the admin panel, when I hit “Visit” on the Super Admin > Sites table (screenshot), this is what happens: it redirects me to https://it/visualizing/https://visualizing. Any suggestions? I’m going crazy here.

    Yeah, looks like you messed up all kinds of stuff.

    I’ve already replaced my alternate domain folders with symlinks like this:

    ls -s domain.com/example example.com

    Do not make symlinks to the *subfolders*. they do not exist. make the symlink from the mapped domain to the MAIN wordpress install.

    I’ve already replaced my alternate domain folders with symlinks like this:

    ls -s joaoramos.org visualizing.it

    like that. (or if I got it backwards, the other way. ?? )

    Thread Starter joaoramos


    Now I can’t even see joaoramos.org/visualizing. Do you have any idea why this URL gives me a “Not Found” page on my main WPMU blog? I don’t know what to do anymore..

    Here’s my Super Admin > Sites > visualizing.it page. Is there anything else I can show / printscreen to help diagnose this issue? Should I just reinstall the WPMU Domain Mapping plugin? I’m not sure what happened, since I gave my Super Admin login credentials to (mt).

    Thread Starter joaoramos


    Also, hitting Dashboard from Dashboard > My Sites > Visualizing it should take me to my joaoramos.org/visualizing/ admin panel, right? Well instead it’s taking me to my WPMU main blog (joaoramos.org), while showing my joaoramos.org/visualizing/ URL -> https://cl.ly/3kGT

    Seriously, I have no idea of what’s happening! It looks like my main blog (joaoramos.org) and my sub-blog (joaoramos.org/visualizing) are merged, or something like that. Does this make any sense? Well, just in case I removed the symlink until I get that blog online again.

    Thread Starter joaoramos


    Ok, I quit. I’m going to do a full reinstall.

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