Thanks for your update with the good news and the additional details.
You wrote “Manually added Title and Captions in WP Media were not transposing to ALT Text. Apparently filling these fields do not write to the actual image metadata.” That’s correct; The Title, Caption and other Media fields exist in the WordPress database, but nothing in WordPress or MLA ever writes information back to the metadata contained in the attached image files. That is a deliberate design decision.
You wrote “I tried to create a rule in Custom Fields but no luck.” As you discovered, the Custom Fields tab and rules are only able to create and update WordPress Custom Fields, not the standard fields and taxonomy term assignments. It’s a little confusing, but goes back to the early days of the plugin and is impossible to untangle at this point.
You asked “How would one create a rule for those images that were manually entered in WP for the fields Title and Caption or Name to be mapped to ALT Text field?” I assume this is a one-time task to get caught up with past activity. There’s no way to identify and separate out “those images that were manually entered in WP for the fields Title and Caption or Name” and automatically run a rule for just those items. However, there are some ideas you may find useful.
First, the “Name” field isn’t very helpful. It is usually derived from the Title field, reformatted to eliminate spaces and uppercase letters and punctuation, and then modified to make it unique. I don’t advise using it in an ALT Text value.
I would suggest modifying the rule you have to use the IPTC headline, if available, or a combination of the Title and Caption fields if there is no headline value; would that work? A couple of modifications to the steps outlined in my last post are required.
First, in step 5, add a content template to the EXIF/Template text box. You can try something like template:([+post_title+])(, [+post_excerpt+])
. The parentheses ensure that missing values for the Title or Caption are simply ignored. The data source names reflect the names used in the WordPress database for Title and Caption respectively.
Second, in step 7, select “Keep” if you only want to add ALT Text values to items that don’t have one, or “Replace” to start from scratch and update all your items. I suggest you start with “Keep” and review the results.
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions or any other aspect of MLA’s mapping rules. Good luck with your application.