Hey @jglass,
Thanks for reaching out!
The Variation Bundles mini-extension allows you to create Variable Products with Product Bundles as variations. In other words, it allows you to map static, pre-configured Product Bundles to variations.
As far as I understand, you’d like to create a Product Bundle in which you first select a “grade” variation and then only specific products are added to the kit. Is that right?
If so, then to achieve this I suggest to follow these steps:
- Create one Product Bundle for each grade.
- Create a Variable Product with grade variations.
- Associate the Bundles you created with the respective grade variations: https://a.cl.ly/eDuPKyok
If you’d like further assistance with setting up Product Bundles that include only specific products/variations, please submit a new support request via your WooCommerce.com account dashboard at https://woocommerce.com/my-account/marketplace-ticket-form/ and someone from our team will be happy to assist you with this!
Let me know how it goes!
Jason Kytros
Support Engineer | SomewhereWarm SMPC | https://somewherewarm.com/