• jonathanarzola


    Hi everyone,
    I need to change the margin from the header image to the content. Right now there is too much white space between the banner and the content.
    I need someone to please tell me how to change this space, maybe telling me which line to edit from the style.css would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • WPyogi


    You actually should not be modifying the style.css file at all – if you do, your changes will be overwritten and lost when WP is updated. Instead, use a Child Theme or custom CSS plugin such as JetPack. Once you have that set up, you can add CSS that will override the existing CSS code – Firebug is a great tool to help you find the CSS you’d need to change. Or set up the custom CSS or child theme and post back here with a link to your site and someone can likely help you.




    Hi WPyogi;
    I’m jonathanarzola’s partner. We just created the child theme, we called the style.css file and everything is working great; however we don’t know which class to edit in order to adjust the margin or padding of the content since there is a big white space between the header image and the actual content.

    Someone please help us!



    Try using Firefox with the Firebug add-on for this kind of CSS troubleshooting. Or use whatever developer tool is available in your web browser.



    I was wondering the same thing jonathanarzola and ebenexer357 are looking for without using Firebug

    I figure someone must have figured this out before…..since this was done in 2011. Yikes help



    Without a link to a live site, no way to help with CSS questions. Do you have a Child Theme or custom CSS set up?



    CSS as I can’t do a child theme at this time as I don’t have ftp access. Only making a few minor changes
    Would appreciate the help.

    https://www.pittsgrovedemocrats.com I had to deactivate maintenance mode

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    #page {
     margin-top: 0;


    Andrew of course that doesn’t work. I am very
    accustomed to working in html but this CSS is
    hinky in comparison.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    You haven’t expressed your issue enough.



    Just like the people above the space under the Menu bar
    it too large before you have the first text line “Welcome to….”
    I thought that would be a simple fix but no so simple after all.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I thought that would be a simple fix but no so simple after all.

    Well, it is simple, that’s why we recommend using Firebug or a similar browser developer tool.

    Remove the code I recommended and add this;

    .singular.page .hentry, .singular .hentry {
     padding-top: 0;

    Anyway, why are you posting if you know it’s a simple fix? Surely you can figure it out.



    I tried firebug but it was no help which is why I came back here thanks for the info.

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