• Resolved jlev00


    Hi Jeremy –

    I’m trying to find out a little more about how Jetpack Markdown interprets posts containing markdown.

    What I’m seeing is when I import Woocommerce products which contain markdown, the markdown gets converted to HTML on import. The products display correctly, but when I try to edit the imported products I have to edit them as HTML instead of markdown.

    Granted, the markdown I enter when editing manually is being interpreted correctly.

    I tried both with and without the following code:

    add_action('init', 'my_custom_init');
    function my_custom_init() {
        add_post_type_support( 'product', 'wpcom-markdown' );

    but it makes no difference (and I recall reading that this is no longer necessary for Woocommerce products, but I could be mistaken).

    My feeling is that it’s something to do with do_action calls, and so I might have to look at disabling some of these when importing but would appreciate any insight/links/suggestions you could provide.


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  • Thread Starter jlev00


    Question: is a post marked somehow in the database as being either HTML or markdown?

    Newly-imported products are fine (ie created in markdown), but existing products which have their content updated are remaining-in/being-converted-to HTML.

    Still testing, still happy for any tips/etc.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    The products display correctly, but when I try to edit the imported products I have to edit them as HTML instead of markdown.

    I’m afraid that’s to be expected. It has to do with the way Markdown is stored on your site. In a WordPress database, your post content is stored in the post_content row. That saved content is HTML, ready to be used by WordPress and by your theme to display your post anywhere.

    When you import content using WordPress importer, post_content is copied over.

    Jetpack does not touch that database row. Instead, it creates an additional row, post_content_filtered, where it stores the Markdown content. On save, that Markdown content is converted into HTML and saved in post_content. This way, even if you decide to deactivate Jetpack at some point, you don’t lose any content; your site will still have the data saved in post_content to use in posts.

    When you use Jetpack and open a post in the post editor, Jetpack first looks for a post_content_filtered for that post; if there is one, that’s what you’ll see in the editor. If there is none, you’ll see the regular post_content.

    When you import content using WordPress importer, that additional database row is not copied over; since it’s not part of the standard WordPress database structure, it’s not copied by the importer.

    To solve this issue, you’d have to import the products manually, by doing a dump of the database, and importing that database directly into your new site’s database.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit.

    I recall reading that this is no longer necessary for Woocommerce products

    That’s correct. Jetpack Markdown support is included in WooCommerce itself since version 2.3.0.

    Thread Starter jlev00


    Beautiful. Jeremy thank you so much for the detailed response.

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