• Hi,

    I’ve a development site with WP Geo installed and it works fine in the major browsers except for Internet Explorer 8 where maps show up but no markers appear on the maps. Its running WP Geo 3.3.7 and has custom map markers set up through a very simple bespoke plugin…

    add_filter( 'wpgeo_markers', 'foo_wpgeo_markers' );
    function foo_wpgeo_markers( $markers ) {
    	$markers[] = new WPGeo_Marker(
    			'marker1', // Identifier
    			'Marker 1', // Icon name
    			'Marker 1 image.', // Icon description
    			30, 23, 15, 11, // width, height, anchorx, anchor y
    			plugins_url( 'images/marker1.gif' , __FILE__ )
    	$markers[] = new WPGeo_Marker(
    			'marker2', // Identifier
    			'Marker 2', // Icon name
    			'Marker 2 marker image.', // Icon description
    			16, 23, 8, 11, // width, height, anchorx, anchor y
    			plugins_url( 'images/marker2.gif' , __FILE__ )
    	// You can add multiple markers by repeating the above
    	return $markers;

    Any ideas what might be stopping the markers (including the default pin markers from showing).




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  • Plugin Author Ben Huson


    Are you using version 3 of the Google API – can be set in the WP Geo settings?

    Thread Starter connectisl



    Yes we’re using Version 3 of the Google API (and running WordPress 3.8.1).



    Plugin Author Ben Huson


    Also related to this post.

    Does it work if you use a different/default WordPress theme?

    Thread Starter connectisl


    I’ve tried Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven, Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fourteen. I’m not seeing any map markers on the maps with any of those.

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