• Resolved processus16


    I have a WP blog cuneytyardimci.blog and currently have 7500 subscribers. However I decided to totally change the concept of this blog including the topics and the language (previous version was in Turkish, and from nowon it will be in English). Hence I have deleted all content in my site.

    The problematic point is for each new post I publish, my previous subscribers continue to receive new post update emails. Indeed previous subscribers’ expectation does not align with the new blog concept, because it will be related with holistic traditional teachings and sacred wisdom in English.

    What I need is:

    1. Keep subscribers aside, but not allow them to receive email notifications for new content (especially I am building site from scratch and high volume of content should be added to site)
    2. If email notifications can not be prevented, mass deletion of subscribers. (It is not possible to delete one by one, because there are around 7500 subscribers)

    I have contacted WP Support Team, and they directed me to Jetpack Support for the solution of the issue that I have been facing.

    Here is the email I received from WP Support Team:


    I hope this message finds you well. I’m just following up on our earlier chat conversation regarding your WordPress.com sites, particularly about your request to delete all subscribers from cuneytyardimci.blog and your question about preventing automatic email notifications for new posts.

    To quickly summarize, you’ve informed us that you’re planning to change the concept of cuneytyardimci.blog and that the new posts will not be relevant to the current subscribers, who number around 7,400. You’ve also expressed the need to stop automatic emails to subscribers when a new post is published.

    I understand the importance of ensuring that your subscribers’ experience aligns with the new direction of your blog. The best course of action is to bring this to the attention of the Jetpack support team. They are equipped to assist with subscriber-related features and can help with the changes you’re looking to make.

    The Jetpack support team will be investigating your request further and will reach out to you as soon as possible. Rest assured, we are working to address your needs as efficiently as possible.

    In the meantime, if you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    Wishing you a wonderful day ahead!

    Best regards,

    Happiness Engineer @ WordPress.com

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @processus16,

    Thanks for your patience and for bearing with us; we’re working on a backlog of support requests at this time, and we generally answer in the order received.

    As far as I understood, we have two problems here to solve:

    1. you want to avoid your old subscribers to get email notifications about your new posts, as they don’t align anymore with the targeted audiences (your subscribers)
    2. you want to eventually delete them in bulk.

    Here are my solutions:

    1. Temporarily disable email notifications for new posts: You can turn off email subscriptions by going to Jetpack → Settings → Discussion in your blog’s dashboard and toggling the “Email me whenever” options off. This will prevent new post notifications from being sent to subscribers.
    2. Bulk management of subscribers: Jetpack itself doesn’t provide a way to bulk delete subscribers from within the WordPress dashboard directly, but we can work on that from our dashboard. Is it still something you’d like to go ahead with? If so, you will need to re-contact our colleagues at WordPress.com because your site is hosted there. You have the option to export the list of your subscribers if you want to keep a copy of them.

    Hope that helps!

    Plugin Support Tamirat B. (a11n)


    Hello @processus16,

    Do you have updates about that? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no activity, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!

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