• Tyler Johnson


    We got notified from our host that one of our sites wp_options table was bloated. I took a look and sure enough, overnight it had ballooned to over 4,000 rows. The queries are being generated by wp-user-avatar.

    Here’s an example of what’s being written:

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = ‘a:16191:{i:1419011820;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:3:{s:8:\”schedule\”;s:5:\”daily\”;s:4:\”args\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”interval\”;i:86400;}}}i:1419011825;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:3:{s:8:\”schedule\”;s:5:\”daily\”;s:4:\”args\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”interval\”;i:86400;}}}i:1419011832;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\

    Any ideas on what’s going on?


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  • You need to delete the plugin files. Then go to the plugins page in wp-admin and it will deactivate itself. It won’t deactivate.

    Hello All,

    To remove all cron jobs, you must need to deactivate it. if you’re getting maximum execution time of 30 seconds error, you can increase execution time using php.ini. After you successfully deactivated it, it’ll only add one cron job to handle everything.

    You can contact us via email also so we can help you better way. our email is hello [at] flippercode [dot] com


    Flipper. Thats not an option for everyone. Also if you have a lot of authors, it requires an infinite amount of resources. You need to provide a better solution than deactivation if you want people to continue to use the plugin. Why is the deactivation hook causing the system to hang forever? Is there another way to clear it out? Is there something we can do in MySql? I am working with this on a very high end host and the memory limit was raised to 512 and still it dies.

    Hello @stueynet,

    Yeah, if someone is more technical person, they can use following code to remove all cron jobs added by plugin without it’s deactivation.

    Paste following code in functions.php of the activated theme to remove all cron jobs.

    add_action(“init”, “remove_wpua_cron_job”);
    function remove_wpua_cron_job() {

    Once you’re confirmed all cron job is removed. please deactivate the plugin again and it won’t be an issue this time and activate it again.

    I hope it helps.


    Sadly that will not work because its running the same code as your deactivation hook. Site just dies. Unfortunately the only answer is to delete the plugin. But that leaves all the junk still in the database. So you can never re-activate it.


    We appreciate your serious concern about this issue. If above code doesn’t work, below is the code to remove it directly from database. Please paste this code in functions.php.

    add_action("init", "remove_wpua_cron_job");
    function remove_wpua_cron_job()
    foreach($cron as $key=>$value)

    We still it doesn’t work, please execute following query in database.

    delete  from wp_options where option_name= "cron"

    It’ll remove all cron jobs added in the wordpress. But if you’ll run your website again, it’ll add all cron job back which was added by wordpress default and this plugin.

    Please let us know if it helps you.


    im using old godaddy linux hosting without cpanel.
    i cant increase execution time coz im in shared hosting.

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/31/9599131/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 0

    so i can’t delete this plugin. what can i do? i work 3 years for an website and now im stuck with one plugin that sucks resources and i can’t deactivated it? this is crazy. Never happen something like this in my life.

    all our code postes still don’t work.

    Tyler Johnson


    Hey Marius. If you can login via FTP, then you can change the name of the folder for the plugin. That will deactivate it.

    Hello @marius,

    If you can contact us via email, we can help you to sort out this issue completely and will need your FTP login. If you’re getting this maximum execution error, we can delete cron jobs in part and within 15-20 minutes everything will be cleaned. our email is hello [at] flippercode [dot]com

    We can talk on live on skype as well to resolve everything.


    Hello Tyler, with our method still working the plugin is deactivated automatically. But, when i reactivate it and i try to deactivated again still same FATAL error Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
    So i have to delete something in the database? is there any plugin do this automatically?

    Hello @marius,

    If you don’t have cpanel access, you can execute following code to remove cron job from database directly.

    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query("delete  from  ".$wpdb->prefix."options where option_name= "cron");

    You can paste it on header.php


    Flipper Code, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your private assistance trough skype. The problem was completly resolved on my website.
    You are the best!!

    Resolvi remover o plugin, de modo for?ado. Foi bom enquanto durou…


    Since updating the plugin i have had the same issues with my wp_options table crashing due to huge numbers of sleeping MySQL queries. My hosting provider has repaired the table, gone back to an earlier version and deacticated the plugin for now, but I’m still getting the same “MysqlError: Duplicate entry ‘cron’ for key ‘option_name'” errors… How exactly was Marius84 able to resolve this?

    Also I do not have access to phpmyadmin

    Thank you

    Alright, I have resolved the errors for now by repairing the wp_options table and removing the duplicate cron entries using the WordPress backend. I an now wondering whether it is safe for me to activate the newest version of the plugin? Are all of these issues definitely resolved?

    THank you!

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