• Tyler Johnson


    We got notified from our host that one of our sites wp_options table was bloated. I took a look and sure enough, overnight it had ballooned to over 4,000 rows. The queries are being generated by wp-user-avatar.

    Here’s an example of what’s being written:

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = ‘a:16191:{i:1419011820;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:3:{s:8:\”schedule\”;s:5:\”daily\”;s:4:\”args\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”interval\”;i:86400;}}}i:1419011825;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:3:{s:8:\”schedule\”;s:5:\”daily\”;s:4:\”args\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”interval\”;i:86400;}}}i:1419011832;a:1:{s:27:\”wpua_has_gravatar_cron_hook\”;a:1:{s:32:\

    Any ideas on what’s going on?


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  • Hello,

    Yeah, you can activate the new version and everything is resolved already in new version.


    Is this plugin safe?


    Yeah. Please install new version and let me know anytime if you’re having any problem.



    I’ve been encountering this issue, the cron jobs built up until my server couldn’t take the strain anymore!

    All it took was to go into phpmyadmin, go into wp_options table and change the name of the ‘cron’ field to ‘cron_old’ (you could delete it but this way i thought was safer’.)

    Then deactivate the plugin, update it and reactivate. (may be worth checking if any of your other plugins use cron and giving them a quick deactivate/reactivate for good measure).

    Worked like a charm.

    Note: if you’re not having any issues after this then go back and delete the ‘cron_old’ field from your wp_options table as it’s just useless bloat.

    Hello Dan,

    You explained it very well and should be very helpful who faced this issue in previous version.

    Thanks again!

    Hello Dan,

    You explained it very well and should be very helpful who faced this issue in previous version.

    Thanks again!

    I am unable to disable this useless plugin, in fact most of the time I cannot even login to my website that is an NPO and has 50,000 users!! This plugin is ruining my hard work for 2 years … I DEMAND a fix …

    I am using latest version, so NO the issue is not fixed, not in the last version or next to last version…


    This from my hosting provider:

    The attached file shows a MySQL query on the database of rent-a-student.co.za. These queries are running often. The ‘akl2cn8b_options’ table, should be the options table for the WordPress installation if I am not mistaken. I am not accustomed to seeing the type of content I am seeing on this table and I am not sure if this is normal or not – it is worth further investigation.
    > As mentioned, the ‘’ IP seems to belong to a company which provides the Gravatar plugin (see https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/223741/currently-no-connection-to-www-gravatar-com). There are various connections out to this IP from your site, on any given time.

    ja1nsa are you using the newest version of this plugin?

    Epic FAIL….

    Installed fff-cron-manager … although it says compatible to 3.5.1 I am running on 4.1 and seems ok… it is deleting 9,300 crons started by this useless plugin that has trashed my site … $5,000 advertising down the drain, 50,000+ users pi**ed off and 3 days of my time to find the reason ….

    Don’t use this plugin if you want a website!!

    How I finally managed to remove this crap …

    Renamed plugin directory
    Deactivated plugin (you may not be able through WP admin to if like me you have no resourves left because the plugin has them all)
    Delete plugin
    Delete plugin directory
    Install fff-cron-manager – lists all crons … delete all .. except the few that are not wpua_has_gravator_cron_hook .. you may need to delete 1 by 1 as in my case (all 9,300 of them)!!

    NEVER use Flipper Code again ….

    Over and OUT!

    Marius – yes .17 I think – I finally managed to delete the junk! said it was fixed in .16 … but NOT!

    Marius – glad to hear you got resolved eventually also … but I ain’t touching anything from Flipper EVER … I am slowly deleting all 9,300 crons by hand .. not copying any code of his into my set-up, too much risk … off to ZZZzzz whilst my own macro deletes the last 8,500 … and I tested it first ?? … website already quicker, hopefully by morning all ok… damb amateurs!

    Hello ja1nsa,

    It seems that you installed .16 before which added multiple crons accidentally and they needed to remove by using steps explained by @dan even you have installed .17 later. At the time you sent message, it was mid-night so couldn’t respond you otherwise we could fix it very quickly for you.


    I have deactivated the plugin, then deleted it, but still I am getting thousands of crons.

    The solution from Dan says remane cron in options table. I do not have a field called cron in that table?

    I am busy removing crons using the fff-cron-manager tool, but it is a temp fix. I need this to be permanent with your plugin removed completely. Happy to give you access to backend if you could advise how I send you the login details.

    Have meeting from now 8am to 3pm (ish). Please be ready to fix!


    I have mailed you about this. Please respond there asap so we can sort out your issue.



    Please use any of the solutions to delete all cron jobs accidentally added by previous version of the plugin.

    Method 1 : : If you have access to FTP, paste following code in your activated theme’s functions.php and run the site.

    add_action("init", "remove_wpua_cron_job");
    function remove_wpua_cron_job()
    foreach($cron as $key=>$value)

    Method 2 : Remove all cron jobs in single line. you can paste it in functions.php of your theme or header.php of your theme. Once you execute it, don’t forget to remove it.


    Method 3 : if you have access for PHPMYADMIN, please use following query to remove all cron jobs,

    delete FROMwp_optionsWHERE option_name='cron'

    I hope it helps to everyone. I’ll recommend method 1 because it’ll keep your all other existing cron jobs as it is.

    Still if someone having any issue, Please mail us at hello [at] flippercode [dot] com and we’ll resolve everything ourselves.


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