• Resolved cat


    Hi, after years of using Askimet and nothing having been changed, I’m now getting hundreds of Spam emails coming through. I don’t know why and it’s overwhelming. I appreciate Askimet very much but why is this happening? Is there another place to go for support? These wp.org forums used to be so active. Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by cat.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Hi, it looks like your key was suspended due to a bug on our end, causing all of your spam comments to not get checked after that happened. I’ve unsuspended it so it should begin filtering out spam again, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

    For more direct support, you can email us at [email protected] or fill out our contact form at akismet.com/contact/, but we do check the forums every day and make a point of responding to any new posts or comments as quickly as possible.

    Thread Starter cat


    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for your fast response. That’s amazing. I’m very thankful. And good to know what to do if I need something direct in the future. Many thanks!

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    You’re welcome, have a great day.

    Thread Starter cat


    Hi Christopher, actually related question but different web site. I have a site that I had enabled Askimet on but it also stopped working. I had deactivated it but I reactivated it and it’s asking for the API key. The site is cathrynsworld.com. Hope it’s okay to tag onto this one. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    You should be able to enter the same key you’re using on washingtonsquareparkblog.com for cathrynsworld.com, and it should start working again. Let me know how that goes.

    Thread Starter cat


    Hi Christopher, A ha! Thanks so much. That worked! You’ve made my life so much easier!


    Emily A. (a11n)


    Hi Cat,

    Glad it worked! Let us know if anything else comes up.

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