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  • marcbkk


    I am sorry to hear that SI Captcha wont work for you. I actually have two different themes running on my blog. One for desktop and a different theme for tablets and smartphones (it automatically changes themes based on device type) and it works and appears nicely on both themes. In fact, the theme I am using for tablets and smartphones is dynamic and it works well in both layouts of that theme as well.

    You can see it running on a recent post on my blog here if you like:

    If you require a math captcha though for your custom form you can search for match captcha plugins. I recall I had tried some others when I discovered the problems with this plugin and there were others that worked well too. I just preferred the way SI Captcha looks so I eventually settled on that. But I think you should be able to find a suitable alternative match captcha plugin instead.

    I hope that helps…



    Thanks for your info. Yours is running in on the comment form, I need custom form functionality and SI is not simple to add to custom forms.

    I confirm the conflict with Jetpack. Once I deactivated Jetpack the math p captcha works.
    The error started in the last 2 weeks by the way. It used to work fine with Jetpack. Then there were these last few updates which messed it up.
    For me it gave a message “that captcha is incorrect” while it wasn’t.
    Please fix this as this is really the best captcha plugin in my view.

    Hi kolonica,

    What forms do you use captcha for (contact form, registration form, comments form)? When you activate jetpack does the error occur on all forms?
    Please provide a link to the page where the problem occurs.

    BestWebSoft Support Team

    I have 2 websites using same theme hosted on same server.
    Site 1 (plugin not working): has plugin ver.4.0.1
    Site 2 (plugin working): has plugin ver.3.8.8

    Site 1 behaviour: after trying to submit contact form, the following message is being displayed: ” Sorry, an error occured. ”

    Best web soft. I get the error on all forms. Using them for contact form and other custom formidable forms.
    It’s working now however. Jetpack deactivated. There are other conflicts though. As it didn’t work for a while again. I updated some other plu gins and cleared the cache and now it works again.

    to f.michalski:
    Please provide a link to the page where the problem occurs.

    to kolonica:
    On page the same captcha is displayed (even if you refresh the page or open it in another browser). You are likely to be using a plugin for cache or there are some peculiar settings for caching on your site. Captcha must always be changed so the spam-bot could not break it. That is there is one capycha value on the server, but in the browser it is different (since the version of the page is cached and the user enters the incorrect value), and this fact causes the error.

    BestWebSoft Support Team


    Unfortunately, you haven’t provided the necessary information so we consider your problem resolved.

    BestWebSoft Support Team

    I am trying to unsubscribe from this thread so I am posting this message and unticking the “Notify me of follow-up posts via email” box as I post this message in hopes of opting out of this discussion. I am no longer using this plugin as I found a better solution. Thank you. Best wishes to all.

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