Matomo Cron Error
We have configured Matomo WordPress plugin with custom javascript code and our self hosted Matomo. However, application analytics are not showing in Matomo Dashboard. We have configured other sites in the similar way and it is working fine. Below are the details from Diagnostics System Report
# Matomo
* Matomo Plugin Version: 5.1.6
* Config exists and is writable.: Yes ("$WP_CONTENT_DIR//uploads/matomo/config/config.ini.php" )
* JS Tracker exists and is writable.: Yes ("$WP_CONTENT_DIR//uploads/matomo/matomo.js" )
* Plugin directories: Yes ([{"pluginsPathAbsolute":"\/srv\/htdocs\/wp-content\/plugins\/matomo\/plugins","webrootDirRelativeToMatomo":"..\/plugins"}])
* Tmp directory writable: Yes ($WP_CONTENT_DIR//cache/matomo)
* Matomo Version: 5.1.2
* Matomo Blog idSite: 1
* Matomo Install Version: No
* Upgrades outstanding: No
* Upgrade in progress: No
## Endpoints
* Matomo JavaScript Tracker URL: ($site_url/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js)
* Matomo JavaScript Tracker - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
* Matomo HTTP Tracking API: ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php)
* Matomo HTTP Tracking API - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
## Crons
* Server time: 2024-11-27 09:10:33
* Blog time: 2024-11-27 09:10:33 (Below dates are shown in blog timezone)
* Sync users & sites: Next run: 2024-11-27 11:54:18 (2 hours 43 min) ( Last started: 2024-11-26 14:17:05 (-18 hours 53 min). Last ended: 2024-11-26 14:17:05 (-18 hours 53 min). Interval: daily)
* Archive: Next run: 2024-11-27 09:54:18 (43 min 45s) ( Last started: 2024-11-27 09:01:14 (-9 min 19s). Last ended: 2024-11-27 09:01:15 (-9 min 18s). Interval: hourly)
* Update GeoIP DB: Next run: 2024-12-21 11:54:18 (24 days 2 hours) ( Last started: 2024-11-21 11:54:21 (-5 days 21 hours). Last ended: 2024-11-21 11:54:22 (-5 days 21 hours). Interval: matomo_monthly)
## Mandatory checks
* PHP version >= 7.2.5: ok
* PDO extension: ok
* PDO\MYSQL extension: ok
* MYSQLI extension: ok
* Other required extensions: ok
* Required functions: ok
* Required PHP configuration (php.ini): ok
* Directories with write access: ok
* Directories with write access for Tag Manager: ok
## Optional checks
* 64-bit PHP Binary: ok
* Tracker status: ok
* Memory limit: ok
* Time zone: ok
* Open URL: ok
* GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics): ok
* Other extensions: ok
* Other functions: ok
* Filesystem: ok
* Last Successful Archiving Completion: ok
* Warning Database abilities: warning (UTF8mb4 charset Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command <code>$WP_CONTENT_DIR//plugins/matomo/app/console core:convert-to-utf8mb4</code> or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings. This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with ?. You can read more details about this topic in <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">this FAQ</a>. Connection collation CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES Changing transaction isolation level Your database version indicates you might be using a MariaDb server. If this is the case, please ensure to set <code>[database] schema = Mariadb</code> in the "config/config.ini.php" file, to ensure all database feature work as expected. )
* Max Packet Size: ok
* Geolocation: ok
* Update over HTTPS: ok
* Mobile Messaging SMS Provider: ok
* Supports Async Archiving: No
* Async Archiving Disabled in Setting: No
* Location provider ID: geoip2php
* Location provider available: Yes
* Location provider working: Yes
* Warning Proxy header: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning. <a target="_blank">Learn more</a>)
* Matomo URL: Yes ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app)
* Warning YML files should not be accessible: warning (The .yml files in the wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/vendor directory are accessible from the internet. This can cause some web security tools to flag your website as suspicious. If you are using Apache, it is probably due to your server configuration disabling the use of .htaccess files. If you are instead using nginx, it is due to your nginx configuration allowing .yml files. You may need to contact your hosting provider to fix this.)
## Matomo Settings
* Track mode: manually
* Track ecommerce: Yes
* Track codeposition: header
* Track api endpoint: default
* Track js endpoint: default
* Version history: 5.1.6
* Core version: 5.1.2
* Last tracking settings update: 1732191125
* Last settings update: 1732191125
## Logs
* user_sync: 2024-11-21 11:54:19 (Syncing user with email identical to a user already synced in Matomo. This means there are multiple WP users with the same email, which Matomo does not support, or something has deleted the WP option mapping WP user to Matomo user. Assuming this is a new user to sync and deleting existing user preferences and options. => Sync.php:331; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; SessionAuth.php:93; SessionAuth.php:43; Access.php:159; FrontController.php:337; Bootstrap.php:122; Bootstrap.php:148; Installer.php:68; Updater.php:75; Updater.php:88; WpMatomo.php:229; class-wp-hook.php:324; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:704; wp-config.php:83; wp-load.php:55; admin.php:34; plugins.php:10;)
* user_sync: 2024-11-21 11:54:19 (Syncing user with email identical to a user already synced in Matomo. This means there are multiple WP users with the same email, which Matomo does not support, or something has deleted the WP option mapping WP user to Matomo user. Assuming this is a new user to sync and deleting existing user preferences and options. => Sync.php:331; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; SessionAuth.php:93; SessionAuth.php:43; Access.php:159; FrontController.php:337; Bootstrap.php:122; Bootstrap.php:148; Installer.php:68; Updater.php:75; Updater.php:88; WpMatomo.php:229; class-wp-hook.php:324; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:704; wp-config.php:83; wp-load.php:55; admin.php:34; plugins.php:10;)
* user_sync: 2024-11-21 11:54:19 (Syncing user with email identical to a user already synced in Matomo. This means there are multiple WP users with the same email, which Matomo does not support, or something has deleted the WP option mapping WP user to Matomo user. Assuming this is a new user to sync and deleting existing user preferences and options. => Sync.php:331; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; SessionAuth.php:93; SessionAuth.php:43; Access.php:159; FrontController.php:337; Bootstrap.php:122; Bootstrap.php:148; Installer.php:68; Updater.php:75; Updater.php:88; WpMatomo.php:229; class-wp-hook.php:324; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:704; wp-config.php:83; wp-load.php:55; admin.php:34; plugins.php:10;)
* cron_sync: 2024-11-22 12:01:16 (WP DB Error: [1062] Duplicate entry '' for key 'uniq_email' SQL: UPDATEwp_matomo_user
= ? WHERElogin
= ? => WordPress.php:407; WordPress.php:286; Model.php:458; Sync.php:379; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; Sync.php:104; ScheduledTasks.php:302; class-wp-hook.php:322; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:565; wp-cron.php:191;)
* cron_sync: 2024-11-24 14:11:37 (WP DB Error: [1062] Duplicate entry '' for key 'uniq_email' SQL: UPDATEwp_matomo_user
= ? WHERElogin
= ? => WordPress.php:407; WordPress.php:286; Model.php:458; Sync.php:379; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; Sync.php:104; ScheduledTasks.php:302; class-wp-hook.php:322; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:565; wp-cron.php:191;)
* cron_sync: 2024-11-26 14:17:05 (WP DB Error: [1062] Duplicate entry '' for key 'uniq_email' SQL: UPDATEwp_matomo_user
= ? WHERElogin
= ? => WordPress.php:407; WordPress.php:286; Model.php:458; Sync.php:379; Sync.php:216; Sync.php:158; Sync.php:104; ScheduledTasks.php:302; class-wp-hook.php:322; class-wp-hook.php:348; plugin.php:565; wp-cron.php:191;)
# WordPress
* Home URL: $site_url
* Site URL: $site_url
* WordPress Version: 6.7.1
* Number of blogs: 1
* Multisite Enabled: No
* Network Enabled: No
* WP_CONTENT_URL: $site_url/wp-content
* Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
* Possibly uses symlink: No
* Upload base url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads
* Upload base dir: $WP_CONTENT_DIR//uploads
* Upload url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads/2024/11
* Custom upload_path:
* Custom upload_url_path:
* Compatible content directory: Yes
* WP_Filesystem Initialized: Yes
# WordPress Plugins
## MU Plugins
* wpcomsh-loader.php:
## Plugins
* Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: 5.3.5
* Classic Editor: 1.6.6
* Crowdsignal Forms: 1.7.2
* Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings: 3.1.2
* Gutenberg: 19.6.4
* Jetpack: 14.1-a.7
* Layout Grid: 1.8.4
* Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: 5.1.6
* miniOrange SAML SSO Multiple IDP: 25.2.5
* Page Optimize: 0.5.6
* WP Activity Log (Premium): 5.2.2 (Network enabled)
* Active Plugins: 10 (akismet:5.3.5 crowdsignal-forms:1.7.2 gutenberg:19.6.4 jetpack:14.1-a.7 layout-grid:1.8.4 matomo:5.1.6 miniorange-saml-20-single-sign-on:25.2.5 page-optimize:0.5.6 polldaddy:3.1.2 wp-security-audit-log-premium:5.2.2)
* Theme: twentytwentyfour (twentytwentyfour)
# Server
* Server Info: nginx
* PHP OS: Linux
* PHP Version: 8.1.31
* PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
* PHP Binary Name: /root/roles/nginx-php/usr/local/php8.1/bin.bookworm/php-fpm
* PHP Maxmind DB extension: Not loaded
* PHP Error Reporting: 4437 After bootstrap: 4437
* Timezone: UTC
* WP timezone: Europe/London
* Locale: en_US
* User Locale: en_GB
* Memory Limit: 512M (At least 128MB recommended. Depending on your traffic 256MB or more may be needed.)
* WP Memory Limit: 512M
* WP Max Memory Limit: 512M
* Timezone version: 2024.2
* Time: 1732698633
* Max Execution Time: 850
* Max Post Size: 2047M
* Max Upload Size: 2146435072
* Max Input Vars: 6144
* Disabled PHP functions: No
* zlib.output_compression is off: Yes
* Curl Version: 8.10.1, OpenSSL/3.0.15
* Suhosin installed: No
# PHP cli
* PHP CLI Version: (The detected PHP CLI version does not match the PHP web version. To avoid archiving errors, <a href="$site_url/wp-admin/admin.php?page=matomo-settings&tab=advanced#matomo[disable_async_archiving]">enable archiving via HTTP requests</a>, or <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">manually set the path to your PHP CLI executable</a> to the one for PHP version 8.1.31.)
* MySQLi support: missing (Your PHP cli does not load the MySQLi extension. You might have archiving problems in Matomo but also others problems in your WordPress cron tasks. You should enable this extension)
# Database
* MySQL Version: 10.11.9
* Mysqli Connect: Yes
* Force MySQL over Mysqli: No
* DB Prefix: wp_
* DB CHARSET: latin1
* DB COLLATE: latin1_swedish_ci
* Uses Socket: No
* Uses IPv6: No
* Matomo tables found: 61
* DB tables exist: Yes
* Matomo users found: 5
* Matomo sites found: 1
* Required permissions: OK
# Browser
* Browser: (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
* Language: en-gb,en-us,enThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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