• Resolved osuns


    I’m trying to implement Matt’s Asides by following https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Adding_Asides.

    But I don’t know about PHP codes much, I still can’t figure out where went wrong. I know there are some plugins with similar purpose, but I really like Matt’s Asides.

    And is the above link outdated?

    What can I add the codes correspondingly if the index.php template starts

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    and end with something like that?

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <div class="navigation">
    <div class="previous"><?php next_posts_link(__('« Previous Entries')) ?></div>
    <div class="next"><?php previous_posts_link(__('Next Entries »')) ?></div>

    <?php else : ?>

    <div class="post">
    <h2 class="posttitle"><?php _e('Not Found'); ?></h2>
    <div class="postbody">
    <?php _e('Sorry, but no posts matched your criteria.'); ?>

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    I know there should be a lot of people can get it implemented successfully, could you lend me a hand? Thanks in advance, any help is highly appreciated!

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    That’s the link I used. Which theme are you trying to add it to?

    Thread Starter osuns


    Becca’s new theme, Sweet Dreams.

    I have tried the link above and searched for Matt’s Asides, I just don’t know how to add the code as the code is a little bit different in the theme’s template.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Sweet Dreams is a sweet theme ??

    You can see the changes I’ve made on my blog at


    (Select the Sweet Dreams theme in the sidebar, the third post about Ubuntu is an aside).

    Try this: On my blog asides are category number 12. You’ll need to change the category to match your actual Aside category number.

    Edit the themes index.php and on around line 7 after the while statement add

    <?php if ( !in_category(12) && !is_single() ) { ?>

    Then around line 34 after the second nested /div add

    <?php } else { ?>
    <div class="post">
    <div class="post-aside">
    <p id="p<?php the_ID(); ?>"><?php echo wptexturize($post->post_content); ?>
    <span><?php comments_popup_link('(0)', '(1)',
    '(%)')?>  <?php edit_post_link('(edit this)'); ?></span>
    <?php } ?>

    Now add to the CSS in style.css to the bottom

    .post-aside {
            padding: 0 25px;
            border-left: medium solid #8fbf60;
    .post-aside p {
            font-size: 11px;

    I’ll double check Becca’s blog to see if it is alright to post the changed files.

    The two modified files can be downloaded at

    Sweet Dreams index.php.txt

    Sweet Dreams style.css

    It’s a hack, Becca could add it better ??

    Thread Starter osuns


    Thanks so much for your detailed explaination!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    No problem at all, glad to help!

    If this worked out for you, you might want to flag this resolved.

    im using that method and i love it, but im trying to style different kinds of asides. does anybody know how i can do that with this method or an even better one? i tired to change the code myself but just got different errors ??

    help, anybody?

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