• is there a way to globally set a max image size for posts and does anyone know what the Maximum Embed Size is that is set in Settings > Media?


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  • to globally set a max image size I guess you would set it in settings->media under the large image size. That would be the biggest size

    And maximum embed size is the largest size an embedded media object would appear on your screen. I usually just set a width of appropriate size for my theme’s post area

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi Reverend Voodoo.


    Can I ask you to please drop a little more good mojo on this post?

    I have also been setting just the width in this section for the large image size. I have also tried this with the Thumbnail size (by setting just the width or just the height) and my thumbnails are all getting stretched.

    If – say – I set the maximum image size to something like 400 for a width – and I see images that show up on my site that are larger than this, does that mean there is a bug somewhere?

    I don’t believe I am able to get this setting to work globally on either large images or on thumbnail images…



    Your images are stretching because you’re setting them disproportionately.

    You have to adjust both height and width proportionately. The easiest way to do that is to increase or decrease their height and width by a certain percentage, that way the image/s still look right after resizing.

    Use a calculator, just find the width and height of the image then multiply each of those by 70% or 0.7 for example, and that will reduce the images height and width by 30%.

    Also you can set the images max width by putting this $GLOBALS['content_width'] = 600; in your functions.php file. Change the 600 to whatever you want the width to be.

    The height should scale proportionately.

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hey Fish.

    A big huge thanks.

    Thank you for the functions.php info. I have been able to get the post images resized by going into the Edit Post, selecting the image edit icon and going to the Advanced Tab.

    Can I please ask you if there is a reason why setting the /width/ on the Settings > Media section for Large at 600 and the height at nothing – won’t do the same thing as the functions.php edit?

    Also, more importantly –

    are you using the “Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)” checkbox?!! It seems to me that having this UNCHECKED will always cause your thumbnails to get stretched unless you size them individually (which I really don’t want to have to do). I just want to set a height or a width that they all conform to. Does this make sense?

    But this does not work when I try and set a height only to 150 (no width) or a width only to 310 (no height).

    If I am following you correctly the point is that I don’t have images that are all the same size or all the same proportionally (width to height). They are all different and I just want them to all show up as thumbnails /either/ with a constant height or with a constant width.

    Does that make sense??


    Can I please ask you if there is a reason why setting the /width/ on the Settings > Media section for Large at 600 and the height at nothing – won’t do the same thing as the functions.php edit?

    It depends, since you were having trouble with your images sizing correctly I thought your theme might not be scaling them. The code I showed you would fix that.

    But it looks like you were just tampering with the settings, and that was causing the problem.

    are you using the “Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)” checkbox?!! It seems to me that having this UNCHECKED will always cause your thumbnails to get stretched unless you size them individually (which I really don’t want to have to do). I just want to set a height or a width that they all conform to. Does this make sense?

    I’ve never unchecked it for the same reasons you mentioned.

    But this does not work when I try and set a height only to 150 (no width) or a width only to 310 (no height).

    If I am following you correctly the point is that I don’t have images that are all the same size or all the same proportionally (width to height). They are all different and I just want them to all show up as thumbnails /either/ with a constant height or with a constant width.

    If you set the width in the functions.php, then the height will be adjusted proportionately.

    For example, if you have an image that is 1200 X 880 and you set a width of 600, then the image will be scaled to 600 X 440

    I’ve never tested how different sized images are scaled, but I’m almost 100% sure that they will be scaled just as I explained above.

    The only factor is; What percentage of the original image width is 600, once the code cruncher determines that it scales the width and height by that percentage, so different sized images will come out different heights.

    What I do is start with a full sized image, since I create my own images using my cam I know I have images that are all the same size. Then I load them into a graphics program and scale them down to the desired size using a percentage. That way all my images appear uniform in size on my blog.

    Width is my primary concern, with performance being second, I don’t want images that are bigger than the screen when clicked on, because they take up more of everything.

    The rare exception to my images being uniform in size is when there is some detail that I want to show, and some undesired something in the same shot, and I have to trim the image slightly to get rid of the undesired bit, but the difference is so slight it’s hardly noticed.

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi Fish.

    I have two issues. I will take your suggestion on resizing the blog images but would like to deal with this later.

    For the moment I am more concerned with the thumbnail issue because I have been trying to troubleshoot this for something like two weeks and it appears to me there is some conflict within the theme.

    I have set the Settings > Media as suggested in the instruction.html for F8 Static. The thumbnails are to be set at 310w x 150h. They are set like this. I have checked the crop checkbox and now have the following:


    All the images here are now showing up at the correct size (no stretching) but they are being cropped. There must be something better that can be done here. If you scroll down to the bottom there is a portrait of a guy and all we see is his beard. This looks ridiculous.

    Are we saying that either my THUMBNAILS in this theme are going to get stretched /or/ they are going to get cropped?

    This is supposedly a photographic theme and this seems ridiculous. I mean, I don’t want to be a wiseguy or to complain but I mean, why don’t we have the text stretched while we are at it.

    I guess what I am hoping to find out is if it is possible in this theme to not have the thumbnail images cropped in this manner and to not have them stretched. I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting the site with the expectation that this could be solved and it seems sort of ridiculous that this can’t be solved.

    Is there a totally different way to display thumbnails that I should be trying…?

    The image of “professor Reuleaux” is showing in it’s full size. If you view the full image you’ll see that the image on your page and the full image are exactly the same size.

    What is ridiculous about that?

    Thread Starter formpig


    I know. But I am saying that the crop for the Thumbnail looks totally ridiculous.

    I want to have some control over how the thumbnails display so they don’t either crop or stretch. i want them to just show up as thumbnails like – well – normal…

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hey Man.

    Here is what I see for the thumbnail for this image. It looks totally ridiculous.


    Can’t this be fixed somehow??

    You want them to scale. You want them to look exactly like the larger image only smaller.

    Here’s what it says in the “Settings”

    “Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)”

    Above that there are boxes where you enter the height and width for the thumbnail, if you enter values there, and check the box beside the text I pasted above, then your thumbnails will be that size.

    If you don’t crop the thumbnails to exact size, then they will be proportional, which means they’ll look exactly like the larger image only smaller. Providing the larger image is actually Larger, as in not exactly the same size as you have your thumbnails set to, like you do.

    What other control over the thumbnails would you like to have?

    Here is what I see for the thumbnail for this image. It looks totally ridiculous.

    I’m seeing the same thing. If you right click on the image, and select view image it will load the full image. The full image is exactly the same size as the thumbnail, which means you’re uploading thumbnails as images, and displaying thumbnails of the same size as the uploaded images.

    Are you aware of that?

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi. Thanks.

    “You want them to scale. You want them to look exactly like the larger image only smaller.”


    “Above that there are boxes where you enter the height and width for the thumbnail, if you enter values there, and check the box beside the text I pasted above, then your thumbnails will be that size.

    If you don’t crop the thumbnails to exact size, then they will be proportional, which means they’ll look exactly like the larger image only smaller.”

    This does not work in F8 Static and there is either no attention to this issue from the developer and/or the Mods. It is also possible they have not understood what I am saying.

    This is not working in F8 Static. If I “leave” the Thumbnail settings at 310×150 and uncheck this box the images are 310×150 and stretched. There is no other setting in the thumbnail dialog boxes that changes this. The only change with thumbnails in this theme is to check the crop box and you get what I show in the earlier image.

    It /should/ be possible to show these as unstretched and uncropped thumbnails but it is not…

    This is what I am asking to be able to do and I have not found settings in this theme that allows for this.

    What other control over the thumbnails would you like to have?

    Thread Starter formpig


    the thumbnail settings in Setting > MEDIA are 150 x 310 for thumbnails as suggested in the instructions.html for this theme.

    I don’t understand if you are suggesting that there should be another set of settings somewhere that I need to also change.

    None of this really makes sense to me.

    I have to assume that since the F8 Static docs /tell/ me to set the thumbnails at 150×310 – and they tell me /not/ to set a height for Medium or Large images – that this them ONLY will display thumbnails as either stretched or cropped.

    Does that make sense?

    I DO want to display them unstretched and uncropped – like mini versions of the actual post images – but i don’t think I can and mods keep telling me that I need to post larger images which does not seem to be the issue.

    It would be nice to get something definitive on this from WordPress. I’ve only been trying to solve it for two weeks now.

    The images are not showing as stretched or cropped, they’re showing as the exact same size as the images you have in your media library.

    What is F8 Static?

    Thread Starter formpig


    hey man. sorry for the multiple posts.

    “The full image is exactly the same size as the thumbnail, which means you’re uploading thumbnails as images, and displaying thumbnails of the same size as the uploaded images. Are you aware of that?”

    What do you mean by this?

    “displaying thumbnails of the same size as the images.”

    How do I make thumbnails display as thumbnails?

    “uploading thumbnails as image”

    how do I upload thumbnails as thumbnails? Or do you mean you want me to upload larger images??


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