Hi Matteo,
well – there was an error. All Player-Instances on my website disappeared after inserting your js.code. I did not try your new advice yet but opened the site at jsfiddle. Wow… there is a lot of information!
But what please do you need?
The “Collaboration” tells that IE is NOT supported! So… is that working anyway?
In the “Result” panel there is the following message shown:
navigator.appName = Microsoft Internet Explorer
navigator.userAgent = Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; ARM; Touch; NOKIA; Lumia 920)
jQuery.browser.name = Microsoft Internet Explorer
jQuery.browser.fullVersion = 10.0
jQuery.browser.version = 10
jQuery.browser.majorVersion = 10
jQuery.browser.msie = true
jQuery.browser.mozilla = false
jQuery.browser.opera = false
jQuery.browser.chrome = false
jQuery.browser.webkit = false
jQuery.browser.android = false
jQuery.browser.blackberry = false
jQuery.browser.ios = false
jQuery.browser.operaMobile = false
jQuery.browser.windowsMobile = true
jQuery.browser.mobile = true
Is this what you needed?