Hello @vocmarcello
as confirmed on the private ticket:
The Checkout Field Editor plugin uses a WordPress hook in an incorrect way which interferes with the PayPal Payments plugin settings.
Some settings in our plugin may not be displayed correctly as a result and this could potentially cause more problems and impact the smart button rendering.
For the time being, the only way to prevent this issue is to disable the Checkout Field Editor plugin.
If you use this plugin to only hide most of the Checkout billing fields, this could also be achieved with a little code snippet which must be placed in the functions.php file of the (child) theme.
We recommend creating a child theme, so your modifications will remain when the main theme updates: Child Theme Basics | Create and Install Astra Child Theme
The Code Snippets plugin can also help you to easily insert code into your website.
Then you could insert code like this to hide the fields (in this case for virtual products): WooCommerce: Hide Checkout Billing Fields if Virtual Product @ Cart
The “virtual” condition is optional, and you can also hide all of the fields for all products with this snippet: How to remove billing fields from WooCommerce – WPbrainery
This should help you resolve the issue, so I will mark this thread as resolved.
Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread if our continued support is required.