Hi @davidki,
We don’t have an ‘easy’ solution. But if you’re a little tech-savvy, it is possible.
Step 1: Install WordPress on m.domain.com
Step 2: Install Burst Statistics
Step 3: Include the Burst scripts on domain.com
Include https://m.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/burst-pro/helpers/timeme/timeme.min.js
Depending on your cookieless setting, include https://m.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/burst-pro/assets/js/build/burst.min.js
Step 4: Include the settings as an inline script. First, you should setup all settings for Burst, including goals. Then, you can copy this inline JS from m.domain.com and place it as an inline script on domain.com. It should look something like this.
var burst = {
'url': 'https://domain.com/wp-json/',
'page_id': '17108',
'cookie_retention_days': '30',
'beacon_url': 'https://domain.com/burst-statistics-endpoint.php',
'options': {
'beacon_enabled': 1,
'enable_cookieless_tracking': 0,
'enable_turbo_mode': 1,
'do_not_track': 0,
'goals': [
'ID': '2',
'title': 'Click through on block',
'type': 'clicks',
'status': 'active',
'server_side': '0',
'url': '*',
'date_created': '1682502628',
'date_start': '1682930260',
'date_end': '0',
'setup': {'attribute': 'class', 'value': 'burst-click'},
'goals_script_url': 'https:\/\/domain.com\/wp-content\/plugins\/burst-pro\/\/assets\/js\/build\/burst-goals.js',
After following these steps, tracking domain.com with Burst on m.domain.com should work. A few things to note:
– page_id will not be saved correctly; this is only used to display titles for the goals settings block, so it’s not that big of a deal.
– The referrers will also show referring from domain.com
We are planning on making something that makes this process easier and suitable for everyone. I hope this helped.
Kind regards,